Page 153 of High Stick Heartthrob

“I’m fine,” Atlas said.

“He’ll be fine,” Andrea said. “He’s just foolish for waiting this long. I’ll get them out.”

I smiled at Atlas.

It was nice to hear someone else call him out for his stupidity.

Andrea hummed as she wrestled the stitches out of Atlas’s face.

I could tell he hated that she hummed. I could also tell he wasn’t very comfortable as she took the stitches out. My guess was that she wasn’t as gentle as she could have been.

“Okay,” Andrea finally said. “Well, Atlas, you’ve earned yourself a possible infection. That’s always nice. Whether you like it or not you’re going to need to put some antibacterial ointment on there so it doesn’t get really infected and mess up your hockey season.”

“Are you really worried about my hockey season?” Atlas asked.

“I get paid to keep athletes like you functioning,” Andrea said. She looked back at me again. “Is he always combative?”

“You have no idea,” I said.

Atlas slid off the table and towered over Andrea. “Are we done here?”

“I guess so,” Andrea said. “I’ll get that ointment for you and type up some paperwork. Make sure I cover my ass in case you decide not to listen.”

“So you’re going to throw me under the bus without giving me a chance?”

“Exactly,” Andrea said. She looked at me once again. “On top of something happier here. Congrats on the pregnancy. Do you know what you’re having?”

“Yeah,” Atlas cut in. “A baby.”

“Actually, she’s having a baby,” Andrea said to Atlas. “You just put it there. Typical man to have all the fun and then take credit for any of the work that came with it.”

“Have you been dumped recently?” Atlas asked. “Do you need to get out and get laid?”

“Atlas!” I cried out.

“It’s a valid question,” he said. “There are plenty of guys on the team who would love-”

“I don’t screw hockey players,” Andrea said. “Or anyone athletic. As far as my sex life goes, it’s all good. Thanks for worrying. Now, is anyone going to answer my question? Boy or girl?”

Andrea pointed to my stomach.

“We don’t know,” I said.

“I want to know,” Atlas said. “She doesn’t.”

“I would like it to be a surprise,” I said.

“Well then,” Andrea said. “Open mouth, insert foot… I should have just stayed quiet. Atlas, put the ointment on your face.” She looked at me. “As for you, congrats again.”

We left the room and the building.

“That was weird,” I said to Atlas.

“That was very weird, love,” he said.

I stopped walking.

I touched my stomach with my left hand.