Page 152 of High Stick Heartthrob

“Oh, fuck, yeah,” he said. “I was supposed to get them out. I forgot. I’ll do it myself.”

“Do it yourself?”

“Yeah. I can cut and wiggle them out.”

I put my hand to my mouth. “That’s disgusting! Doesn’t your team have doctors or something?”

“Well… yeah…”

“Can’t you just let a professional do it? Please?”

“You want to come for a ride with me then, love?”

“If it means you not standing in my bathroom with a pair of scissors to your face? Yes. I will come for a ride with you. After breakfast.”

“Of course.After breakfast.”

Watching Atlas walk around the kitchen while cooking as I sat in a chair and was just…pregnant… felt nice.

After we finished eating, we got changed and got ready to leave.

Moving around my bedroom and bathroom together as though we had been living together for years. A quiet sense of comfort settling in that felt unexpected but welcomed.

I stood in front of my mirror and wrestled with a hair clip and my messy hair.

I felt like since getting pregnant my hair got thicker, a little bit curly, and impossible to tame.

I ended up staring at Atlas in the reflection of the mirror instead of myself.

I watched as he stared intensely back at me.

Then he approached me.

When he took the hair clip from my hand, my knees turned into goo.

When he put the hair clip into my hair,everything became flooded.

When he kissed my neck and whispered,‘You look beautiful’I thought I was going to pass out.

I felt like I was the one who suddenly needed medical attention.

Atlas sat on a metal table.

The trainer in front of him was a woman and she needed a step stool to reach his face.

Wearing baby blue rubber gloves she shook her head at him.

She looked back at me. “He doesn’t listen, does he?”

I touched my stomach. “No, he doesn’t.”

We both laughed.

Atlas curled his lip. “Just cut the stitches out.”

“Yeah, it’s not that simple now,” the trainer said to Atlas. “We’ve never met before, have we? I know who you are. You have a reputation, Atlas. I’m Andrea. I usually work on the fun stuff like broken bones and ripped up ligaments. I drew the short straw and had to come in today to deal with you.”

“Is he going to be okay?” I asked.