Page 77 of Starts with You

“Then, where did she get that idea?” I ask. “Knowing Piper, she didn’t make that up just out of thin air.”

He looks away and then back at the screen where he’s kissing Piper. The guilt on his face tells me he knows what made her think he’s with Wren.

“What did you do?” I question him.

“A few years ago, I proposed a threesome between the three of us.” He presses his lips together, his eyes still not meeting mine.

“Me included.”

He finally glances and nods once. “Who else?”

“When did that happen?” I ask, because I would’ve said fuck yes.

“Right after you got her the puppy. I wanted you both and… I thought that by having sex, I would stop feeling. But she shut me down because I offeredjust sex. That’s when I left for Heartwood Lake and lived there for a while, hoping that you and your boss would be happy. And that maybe I would forget about her.”

I snort. “You didn’t know why she was stopping herself from being with me or anyone else,” I say, trying to make him feel a little less guilty, but then I push the knife in. “Still, you fucked up… and where does Wren come into the equation?”

“A year or so later, I contacted her for something book related, and I said I had a family—a wife and a kid.”

I groan and almost punch him. “Why would you do that?”

“I don’t know anymore. I was a stupid man with the mind of a teenager,” he says defensively, and I can’t argue with that.

The therapists have confirmed what I knew all along. The blow to his head changed his personality and when he lost his memory, he was almost like a child. Thankfully, he’s mature enough to behave like a man, but I can see how Finn could’ve fucked up so much.

“Still, how does she know about Wren and Milo?” I insist.

“Who knows?” He pulls out one of the journals and frowns. “These are letters to Archer.”

“Didn’t we read one like that already? It has everything she feels while you’re away during a mission,” I say, swallowing hard and understanding why she can’t do this again.

There has to be a compromise, but we’ll figure that out after we learn how to get her back.

“Dear Archer, everyone thinks you’re gone, but I know you’re still here. I dreamt of you. If you could just tell me where you are, I’ll go and look for you,” Finn reads and then sighs. “Shit, I wasn’t expecting this.”

“That’s all that it says?” I ask.

“Nope. We have a lot of material. Order us more food. I don’t think we’re leaving for another day or two.”



No one believes me that you’re still alive.

How could they, when there’s no physical evidence. But I know you’re somewhere in the Amazon Rainforest lost and in need of help. If I could, I would go and rescue you but… let’s be honest, I’m not stupid.

All I can do is stay strong and find a way to continue while you’re gone. I’ll find a reason to be here without you. I’ll try for you and for us.

I miss you,




It’s been two years.