Page 78 of Starts with You

Two long years and you’re still not back.

I haven’t lost hope. I can feel you, and that’s proof enough for me to wait and to pray and to hope that you come back to me.

I won’t lie. Almost every day, I wake up bleary-eyed with a pounding headache. No one knows how most nights I fall apart and sob. The nights I dream of you are more disheartening than those when I stay awake doing something to avoid thinking about my reality.

I never thought this would happen to us. That I would lose you. If not forever at least for years. I miss you, Arch. I need you back.

This feels like a nightmare. Every day plays on repeat. I wake up brokenhearted, I manage to pull myself together each day, and at night I shatter all over the floor again into a million pieces.

One day you’ll read this journal, and you’ll be disappointed in me.

I’ve tried so hard to make sure that your brothers and sister are doing well. I’m managing everything the best I can, but the sadness… I can’t push it away. It’s more than a blanket. It’s the darkest night dragging me to the pits of hell. I’m not strong enough to fight it.

Please come back soon.





You might be happy to see that today I’m writing more than just I miss you. Please come back.

Although, I don’t know what you’ll think about this. I met a guy tonight. Well, I had a long conversation a few days ago while I interviewed him for a position as a physical therapist for the practice. He was on the roof. Before you feel like he invaded our space, I have to report that he fits. Weird, isn’t it?

I like him, and I think you will too. He’s just… I can’t explain Derek Farrow to you. At least not yet. Maybe with time…

Come back soon, please.

Love always,




I’m not a slobbery mess with a broken heart anymore. Is that bad?

Having Derek around has made a difference. Is it because he doesn’t know about you? I try not to tell him anything about my fiancé. He always asks—the guy is persistent. You’re mine to keep and for no one else to learn.

But here’s the tricky thing… I’m beginning to learn his heartbeat, just like I know yours.

I recall the letter you left saying a person falls in love three times. I wonder if Derek is my second… but I won’t lead him on. Not when he’s always had so much bad luck with love. He deserves a man or a woman who’ll give their entire soul to him—who’ll surrender their heart.

You have my heart, so it would be unfair to keep him around. I should push him away. I just don’t know how.

Miss you,




We haven’t spoken about this guy, but… he reminds me so much of you. Though, I haven’t met him in person. We just chatted through the publishing company—the rooms you created for us are working pretty well.