Page 45 of Starts with You

I grin when I spot Lalo Zamudio. The only son Ricardo has left. He’s my first target. Without him, there’s no one left to take over the family business.

“They’re being chased by a car,” Derek’s voice breaks through my earpiece. “Get ready.”

My fingers tighten around the rifle’s grip as I take aim at Lalo. The air around me is thick.I take a deep breath, exhale, and squeeze the trigger. The gunshot ricochets through the air, and the bullet finds its mark. Lalo’s body slumps to the ground, motionless.

Derek warns of an RPG approaching through the communicator, fear in his voice. I respond confidently, “Get in position, we’re ready for everything.”

I feel a rumble in my chest a moment before I hear the roar of the explosion. Orange flames and thick smoke billow from the street beside me. I swing my rifle up, taking aim at the source of the blast, my heart pounding in my chest.

“Cover Seth and Teddy,” I order as I shoot with pinpoint accuracy, and two of the assailants drop to the ground.

Zamudio isn’t here to end Seth Bradley, but I’m glad he sent several of his key people. With them out of the way, we’ll be able to defeat them soon.

* * *

“Find Theodora!”I shout as we race to get out of sight before the police and fire department arrive. I don’t have time for any formalities or lengthy explanations about why we used firearms. It’s pretty simple, a cartel attacked civilians, just let me do my job. Except, they won’t accept the short version and the long one will blow our cover and my identity.

Will they get it? Doubtful.

Tyler, one of our guys, grabs Seth Bradley and shoves him into a nearby SUV. “Be careful with him,” Derek reprimands him.

Tyler shifts his weight, eyebrows pulled together in an apologetic frown. “So, what do we do with him?”

I pinch the bridge of my nose and take a deep breath. If Piper finds out that I lost Teddy and her cousin is injured, she will never forgive me.

“Take him to the hospital,” I say. “Maybe he just has a concussion, and he can fly with us tonight.”

Derek steps forward, jaw set and determination in his eyes. “I’ll take him and deal with Heath.”

“Let’s clear out. I’ll make sure to erase the surveillance footage so no one can find us while searching for Teddy.” I direct my gaze to Walter. “Gather a team and start looking for her—we don’t have much time before we lose her trail or they catch up to her. If they get her…”

A chill runs down my spine at the thought of what can happen to her.

I’ll worry about it later. For now, I have to fly to Colorado and start planning our next move.


Geek4life: What the fuck happened?

Geek4life: Answer the fucking phone or connect to the chat!

Geek4life: I swear if I don’t get a response, I’ll personally hunt you down.

Geek4life: Where the fuck are you?

Geek4life: GIL!

LoneWolf99: How can I help you?

Geek4life: What the fuck happened?

LoneWolf99: They got ambushed.

Geek4life: Really, we didn’t notice. Where are they?

LoneWolf99: Seth is with us. We can’t find Teddy.

Geek4life: Fuck. How is Seth?