Page 35 of Starts with You

Finn: Yes.

Finn: Was I born on the East Coast?

Piper: No.

Piper: Derek told me you were in a coma, and he helped with your recovery. Where were you staying?

Finn: Why the fuck did he tell you that?

Piper: It was part of his job interview. He didn’t say your name, just mentioned the case he worked on before applying for the job. Later, when I asked how long he’s known you, he told me you were that kid.

Finn: I’m not a kid. I’m probably older than you.

Piper: Only by a few months.

Finn: How old am I?

Piper: That’s not a yes or no question. And you haven’t answered my question. Where were you?

Finn: A small town in Panama.

Piper: Hmm… so they were looking for you in the wrong places.

Finn: People were looking for me?

Piper: Yes.

Finn: I always thought no one gave a shit about my whereabouts.

Piper: Your dad mentioned something about thinking you were kidnapped as a child.

Finn: So, I wasn’t kidnapped as a child?

Piper: No.

Finn: My parents weren’t missionaries?

Piper: :ROFL: emoji

Finn: What’s so funny?

Piper: Your parents would never be caught doing something like that.

Finn: My parents are alive?

Piper: Yes, but you’re skipping my turn.

Finn: You’re slow at asking questions.

Piper: When you’re not playing secret spy, what do you do?

Finn: I work for my father.

Piper: That’s not an answer. What do you do for him?

Finn: I manage his companies. His parents died when he was young but left him all their properties and businesses. He’s not very good at it, so I manage them.

Piper: You hated that.