Page 36 of Starts with You

Finn: What are you talking about?

Piper: Your other father has a big company and he hoped one of you would take over—you were the first one to say you’d never do a desk job.

Finn: I have my own office hours, employees who do most of the work, and I barely sit down behind that desk.

Finn: Is my father important?

Piper: I wouldn’t phrase it that way. Who were you living with when you were in Panama?

Finn: His name is Ricardo Zamudio. He’s the head of the cartel that’s hunting Seth and Teddy.

Finn: Were we friends in my past life?

Piper: Yes.

Finn: Did we meet in high school?

Piper: No, and I think this is enough for now. Unless you want to answer if you were tortured while the cartel had you.

Finn: I’m not sure if they did before the accident, but after it wasn’t pleasant living with them. My theory is that they kept me alive because I hold some important information.

Piper: But you can’t remember?

Finn: No, and lately I hear this thick voice repeating that I have to suppress my feelings and keep all the information inside.

Piper: Maybe it was them torturing you?

Finn: Did you and I spend any time in Panama?

Piper: No. Why would you ask that?

Finn: What if you were an agent trying to squeeze some information from me?

Piper: Great theory, but nope. You were sent somewhere in the Amazon Rainforest. That’s where you disappeared.

Finn: This isn’t helping me.

Piper: Why?

Finn: Because all my theories just vanished.

Piper: Sorry?

Finn: I asked for it, didn’t I?

Piper: You should stop asking. It messes with your concentration and that upsets you.

Finn: You seem to know a lot about me.

Piper: Fulfill your promise and I’ll tell you everything.

Piper: I have to go, talk to you later.

Finn: I have more questions.

Finn: Can you stop leaving me hanging like this?

Finn: I swear one of these days the roles will be reversed and… I’ll enjoy your frustration.