Page 102 of Starts with You

Then, I glance at Piper, my heart pounding in anticipation.

“Piper, with you, I have been blessed to know a love so profound and pure that it takes my breath away. From the moment I first laid eyes on you on the roof so many years ago, I knew you were someone special. My heart raced as I nervously approached you, and it still quickens with anticipation every time I see you.

“Your beauty is matched only by the depth of your soul, and I am constantly in awe of your kindness and generosity. Every day, I am reminded of how lucky I am to have found you. Today, I want to make a promise to you and Finn. I promise to love you both with every fiber of my being, through every joy and every hardship, for all eternity. I want to spend the rest of my life with you two, exploring every corner of the world.

“Not sure how this will work, but I know the journey we embark on together will be unique and forever. It’ll be ours. Will you marry me?”

“Yes. Of course, I will marry you,” Piper says, tossing her arms around me and hugging me tightly. “I will.”

We embrace in a long and tender hug, but then Piper turns to look at Finn. “We will, right?”

Finn nods. “I would’ve done it too, but I already proposed and married you.” He winks at her.

“You don’t remember,” she says. “It doesn’t count.”

He winks at her. “Okay. We’ll go with that.”

I frown, and before I can ask if he does, the timer goes off, and the yes from Piper is just the beginning of maybe the best day of our lives. She’s pregnant. We’re going to be parents and… I couldn’t be happier.

* * *


Three months later…

My name is Finnegan Gil and thank fuck I didn’t die.

Once upon a time, I was Archer St. James. It took me years to understand who I was and who I wanted to be. Sometimes, memories of the old me come to me like dreams.

Like right now, as I hold my wife in my arms, rubbing her swollen belly, I remember the day we learned to surf. We were young, but even then, I knew she was a part of me. My always.

I kiss the top of her head, thankful that we’re together even after everything that happened to us.

“Are you happy?” she asks, kissing my jaw.

“You always make me happy, Ladybug,” I mumble in her ear.

She gasps and turns to look at me with wide eyes. I can tell she’s holding her breath.

“I can’t switch Archer on if that’s what you’re wondering. I just get some flashes from the past,” I mutter. “Do you miss him?”

“Yes, and no. I will always love Archer. But I wouldn’t give you or Derek up. Ever.”

“Speaking of Derek, where is he?” I ask, wondering what’s taking him so long. “Didn’t he say he was just taking a call?”

She points at the group of people near the palm tree. “I’m sure my parents intercepted him. You two can’t say no to them.”

“We’re lucky to have your family.”

“Your family is cool too.”

I don’t know is she’s referring to Dad or the St. James, but I say, “Did I tell you Donovan wants me to take control of his company?”

“Are you going to accept the offer?”

I shrug. “Who knows?”

My only focus in life are my husband and my wife. In a few months it’ll include our little beanie. Everything that once was doesn’t matter.