Page 101 of Starts with You

Derek glances at Finn. “Make the call.”

Finn grins. “Oh, I already sent a text. He’ll be here soon.”

“Who?” I ask, almost scared of their answer. “Did you call my fathers?”

The doorbell rings, and then I hear, “Honey, I’m home.”

“Why did you call Gabe?” I ask, almost terrified.

“As I mentioned, you’ve been throwing up for days.” Finn leaves the bathroom.

I groan. “Why can’t you listen to me?”

Derek kisses my cheek. “Because you’re stubborn, baby.”

“So, you’re pregnant,” Gabe says as I walk down the stairs.

“Excuse me?” I say with panic.

He shrugs. “Listen, I want to be scientific about it, but Finn texted when I was on the phone with Mom, and she’s the one who suggested it.”

“You’re a doctor, and you’re going to just believe what your mother said?”

He shows me a paper bag. “No, but apparently, you were in today’s morning conversation. I’m surprised that your mom didn’t call to ask about it. Apparently, you seemed tooglowyon Sunday and also yesterday.”

Derek is right behind me, holding me. Finn is the one who takes the bag and sighs. “There goes her plan of waiting another year,” he jokes.

“I’m not pregnant.”

Gabe takes a seat on the couch. “I’ll wait here. In the meantime, I’ll look up some names of doctors who can see you.”

“We just moved here. I can’t be pregnant,” I say as I make my way up the stairs. “Mom and my aunts are wrong.”

“So you don’t want a baby?” Derek says.

“Oh, I do, but… are we ready for that?”

Finn gives me the bag, and Derek disappears as I pee in a cup and on sticks. It’s not that I don’t want a baby, but am I ready for one?

* * *


Soon after we moved to Seattle, I understood why Piper kept us away from her family.

The first five family dinners we attended, we were the center of attention. They interrogated us until each member was satisfied with the answers.

Though it was overwhelming, after two months of living close to them, I also comprehend why Piper loves them so much. I might have missed having a family since Mom died, but now I have not one, but three big families who make up for everything I lacked while growing up.

Getting to know them makes me feel secure about what I’m about to do. I grab the box I hid in my drawer and go to the bathroom. This isn’t the best time or the perfect place, but it might be the perfect moment.

Finn is holding Piper, mumbling sweet things in her ear. Probably making sure that she knows how much we love her and that this is part of the future we want to build.

“What’s the verdict?” I ask.

“We don’t know, she just peed. I set the timer.” Finn points at his phone.

I give him a sharp nod and go down on one knee, opening the box. I look into Finn’s eyes, who nods with deep, undying love not only for me but also for Piper. We discussed this. I wanted to propose to both of them. I want to make this legal in whatever way is possible, or just in our hearts.