“You sound like my wife, connected to the land,” Varrick said, and noticed that his fine features held evidence of one who had toiled many years with the soil, his face weathered and wrinkled in some areas more than others.

“It is a special few who can come to know the earth so well,” Seth said.

Varrick halted abruptly. “Do you imply my wife is a witch?”

“Nay! Nay, my lord,” Seth said, shaking his head. “I would never suggest that. I have met women like your wife through my many years and have come to respect their wisdom. Much can be learned from them and the same with elders. Years lived earns wisdom.”

Varrick resumed walking, Seth once again keeping step with him. “Not to all.”

Seth laughed. “Only the lucky ones.”

Varrick smiled. “On that I can agree.”

“If I may offer some advice learned through the years, my lord?”

“You may,” Varrick said, curious as to what advice the older man would offer him.

“We often look to what we know, what is familiar to us when trouble strikes, but sometimes it is the unfamiliar, the unanswered that we should seek.”

“Like the God of Death suddenly visiting the area?”

“Death is something none of us can avoid.” Seth scratched his head. “But if he does visit here, would you not ask yourself why he lingers?”

“Seth. Are you disturbing Lord Varrick with your never-ending chatter?” Dysa scolded as she hurried to her husband’s side to slip are arm around his.

“My wife seems to think you need to be rescued, my lord,” Seth said with a chuckle.

“Seth!” Dysa scolded again and her husband chuckled even more.

“It was a pleasant talk we shared,” Varrick said, intrigued by the way Dysa looked at her husband. One could see how much she cared for him, worried over him, loved him. He had never noticed that before now, before Fia. What amazed him even more was that Seth looked at his wife the same way. They did not hide their love. They let it shine with pride.

“Very pleasant,” Seth concurred. “And may the rest of your day be as pleasant as well, my lord.”

Varrick watched the older couple walk away arm in arm, Dysa lying her head against her husband’s arm now and again as their laughter rang out. Their love had survived the years together, had grown stronger through those years. Could he and Fia have such a powerful love?

He sensed his wife before he saw her, and he did not stop the smile that rushed to his face when he spotted her. Her cheeks were flushed, her auburn hair loose and a bit unkempt as if she had rushed from their bed to find him. And her dark eyes held a spark of annoyance and damn but if he didn’t want to toss her over his shoulder and hurry her to their bedchamber.

Fia waited until she reached him to speak, her words meant for her husband’s ears alone, not that there were that many people about, but still, she would have no one hear her words but him.

“If you insist on not seeing to your husbandly duties, then I shall return to my bedchamber to sleep.”

“Like bloody hell you will,” he snapped, his arm going around her waist to propel her to walk alongside him to the keep.

Fia’s feet barely touched the ground his firm arm lifting her to hurry her along and once inside the keep, he had her up the stairs and in their bedchamber in no time.

“Get out of those garments fast or I will rip them off you, that is how great my need is for you,” Varrick commanded as he shed his garments with speed.

Fia did not waste a minute. She shed her garments and his hands were at her waist as soon as she finished. He lifted her, carried her to the bed, and tossed her down on it, then lowered himself over her so his naked body skimmed hers.

He kissed her quickly. “You never leave my mind. You are always there haunting me, my shaft forever aroused with thoughts of you.”

“I am here, Varrick, anytime you want me,” she said and kissed his lips softly. “I only ask the same of you.”

He turned a playful smile on her. “Are you telling me I neglected you?”

“Aye, husband, I am,” she said, her smile just as playful.

He brushed her lips with his. “Then let me make it up to you, wife.” He buried his head in the side of her neck to nip at her silky skin, loving her warm, sweet taste.