“You have neglected me too long. I am not going to be able to wait,” she confessed on a soft moan, though wishing otherwise.

“Either can I,” he admitted, annoyed he had not trusted her word as a healer and made them wait longer than necessary.

He brought his lips down on hers with a forceful kiss and she responded in kind, and when his knee slipped between her legs to spread them apart, she spread them of her own accord, eagerly inviting him.

With their passion overpowering them both, Varrick did not hesitate to enter her with a strong thrust that had her calling out his name. They were already near the edge, gripping each other tight as thrust after thrust brought them closer and closer to the edge of explosive pleasure.

Fia dug her fingers into her husband’s muscled arms as she tumbled off into the abyss of pure pleasure, and it was only a second or two later that she felt her husband join her. His release, everything he felt, slammed into her hard causing her to climax again. The pleasure was so great she thought she would faint from the thrill of it.

“Fia! Fia!” Varrick cried out when his wife’s hands fell off him and he felt her body go limp.

She managed to moan but that was all she could do as wave after wave of pleasure devoured her.

Varrick released a roar that he knew probably was heard throughout the keep but he didn’t care. He had never felt what he felt now and didn’t even know how to describe it. He only knew that for the first time in his life… he felt what it was to love.

He collapsed down on his wife, her body damp and heated like his, yet feeling so good against him. He reluctantly rolled off her onto his side so they both could breathe more easily. He brushed the few strands of hair that had fallen on her face away and anxiously asked, “Fia, are you all right?”

She didn’t open her eyes, but she did respond. “Good, Lord, husband, but I do love you.”

His heart slammed against his chest. He was right. It was love. He had felt it, strong and deep inside him.

Fia opened her eyes and turned on her side to face him, a soft smile touching her lips. “I often wondered how a person knew when they were in love. My mum told me I would know. I would have not a doubt that I would feel it down so deep that no one could ever take it away from me. I know now what she meant. My love for you is locked away tight and no one will ever take it away from me.”

Varrick didn’t know what to say. He never had anyone ever tell him that they loved him, nor had he ever professed love for anyone since he had not known how it felt. He did now, but how did he tell his wife that he loved her?

Fia pressed her fingers to his lips. “You will tell me in your own time and your own words, for now I feel it warm and strong around me.”

Varrick tugged her tight against him, holding her snug, never ever intending to let her go.

* * *

“You intend to keep her,don’t you?” Argus asked a few days later in Varrick’s solar.

“Aye, I do,” Varrick said. “Fia is no witch. She is a good woman and I want her as my wife.”

“You couple with her, don’t you?”

If anyone other than Argus had dared to ask him that, the man would be lying on the ground right now, his face a bloody mess. But Argus was like a brother to him and so he answered. “Aye, I do, and no doubt everyone knows it since my roars of pleasure have probably echoed through the keep.”

Argus took a swig of ale, then another before saying, “There are those in the clan who believe it a good union and then there are those who remain skeptical.”

“And you, my brother?”

“I will admit that she seems like a good woman. She is pleasant to everyone, even those who might condemn her. She is a good healer and tends to the ill with patience and kindness. And all say that her love for you shines in her eyes every time she looks upon you.”

“And yet I hear doubt in you,” Varrick said, not surprised since they had always looked out for each other.

“Do you not wonder how she knows so much about the forest or how well she heals people? Do you not question where she gets her skills?”

“At first I did,” Varrick admitted. “But then I came to know her, learned about her past and all she had been taught and continues to teach herself.”

“By cutting open a heart?”

“That would seem strange, even evil to some, though at least she did not kill the man to take his heart.”

“She could have taken an animal’s heart,” Argus argued.

“True and I would not be surprised if she had.”