Varrick returned to the shelter, dismissing the two guards at the door, and stood there not entering. Was he wise in sealing his vows with Fia? Would what he was feeling for her leave him weak? Did love do that to a man… leave him vulnerable, less bold, less brave?
What of the strange connection they had? He had heard her clearly telling him to hurry and he had answered her.
He stood tall, snow coating his hair and shoulders, and silently reached out to her.
I am here.
Barely a moment passed before the door opened.
Fia not only spotted it in his blue eyes but felt it as well… doubt.
She stepped aside for him to enter and thinking it best they avoid what had gone on between them before Corwin had whisked him away, asked, “What happened?”
Varrick was glad she had given them pause to discuss something other than consummating their vows, though he was annoyed as well. How was it that things had gotten so difficult?
He discarded his cloak to the chest and went to the fire, holding his hands out to the heat. “It is the two men the hounds dragged away.”
Fia hurried to sit on the bench, eager to hear.
Varrick turned to her, though remained standing close to the hearth, letting the heat soak into him. “Their bodies were found.”
“Oh my! What a horrific sight that must have been.”
“It wasn’t. There was not a mark on them and not a drop of blood had been shed,” he said and watched her dark eyes widen with confusion.
“How can that be?”
Varrick shook his head. “It makes no sense. We watched them being dragged away, heard their screams and yet the way they look now, I would have assumed they died from the cold. But that is not the whole of it.”
“What else was found?”
“Another single footprint just like the one we found.”
Fia’s brow scrunched as she shook her head. “This is all too strange.”
“And troublesome to the warriors as they fight to keep fear at bay. It is not good for them to remain here, or us for that matter. We all will return home tomorrow. Whatever knowledge you have gained in your short time here will have to suffice.”
“I agree. I do not think there is much more for me to find here anyway. It is best we take what we have found, which is probably more than we realize, and see what can be learned from it.”
That she agreed with him surprised him, and that she believed they had learned more than they thought puzzled him since they were left with more questions than answers.
“Would it be better if we left now and not wait until morning?” she asked.
“Nay, the snow falls heavily, leaving it difficult to see where we go, and it will grow dark soon, which will only add to the danger. We leave after dawn when the light is strong. We will eat and get a good night’s rest so we will be ready to combat the snow tomorrow.”
He had answered, though not directly, what had been on Fia’s mind. They would not consummate their vows tonight and she wondered if he had a change of heart, and they would not consummate them at all. Did he regret what he had said to her and had seeing the two dead men made him think that she had bewitched him? She had no desire to ask him, or perhaps it was that she did not want to hear his response.
The thought hurt her heart, thinking that she may have lost him before they even had a chance to find and accept the love she believed existed between them.
“I will cook another root soup for us,” she said, needing to focus on anything but the hurt in her heart.
Varrick said nothing. He turned away from her to extend his hands out to the heat once again, even though they were warm enough. His mind was in turmoil, and his heart… God, but his heart ached. Yet how with all the strange things that had been happening could he trust that what he felt for his wife was love? How could he not be cautious? He had a clan to protect and keep safe. He could not take the chance. Could he?
They ate in silence, listening to the crackle of the fire and the wind that whipped and whistled around the shelter. Once done, Fia went to bed and Varrick moved the bench by the wall to sit and sleep there.
Varrick tried not to focus on his wife in bed where he wished he was with her right now and not sleeping. She turned and twisted as if unable to find a comfortable spot, though he wondered if it was because he had left her aroused just as he was now. He could go to her and make it right, but what was the right thing to do?