True love is confusing and maddening, but the heart simply cannot live without it.
Could her heart live without Varrick?
“Nay,” she whispered without hesitation and smiled, joy squeezing her heart.Hurry back, Varrick,she silently called out to him.
I will.
Fia turned to look over her shoulder, expecting to find him there, having heard his response as if he was there with her. She hugged herself, hearing him so strongly in her head made her realize the wisdom of her decision to seal their vows and stay his wife. She had found a love as strong as her mum and da’s, and someday Varrick would realize the strength of it too.
* * *
Varrick stood staringat the two dead men.
“How can this be?” Corwin asked, staring at them as well. “There is not a mark on them and yet they had been dragged away by the hell hounds screaming. Fear builds in the clan warriors. The warriors who found them tell the others about this. I do not think it is good for any of us to remain here. Leave the witch to see to it on her own.”
“I will not leave my wife here alone with no protection,” Varrick said.
“She does not need it,” Corwin argued. “The hell hounds have no wont of her. This is the second time they did not harm her, just the opposite, they protected her. You do not know what might happen to you if you remain here with her. Do not take the chance. Leave her to do what you brought her here to do.”
“She has all she needs from this place.” Varrick did not know if that was true, but he would not leave her here alone. “We will return home tomorrow.”
“We should leave now. The snow falls heavily, and travel may be difficult tomorrow.”
“I have never known you to be so fearful, Corwin.”
He pointed to the two men on the ground, their bodies blanketed with a layer of snow. “They were dragged off by the hell hounds in front of you and yet there is not a wound on them, not an ounce of blood. This does not frighten you, my lord?”
“It disturbs me, but an adversary is an adversary. Find his weakness and you find victory,” Varrick said.
“He is the God of Death, what weakness can he have?”
“Everyone—God or man—has a weakness,” Varrick argued.
Corwin shook his head. “Not you. You have no weakness. Never had one.”
“You are right which means, nothing will stop me from seeing this settled even if I must battle the God of Death to do so… and I will walk away the victor.”
“My lord,” a warrior called out as he approached Varrick with hasty steps. “You must see this.”
Varrick followed beside the warrior as did Corwin.
The warrior stopped by a large pine tree where several warriors had gathered beneath it. They all stepped away when Varrick approached.
The warrior pointed to the ground. “One footprint, my lord, just one and the snow refuses to cover it and it does not go deep. How can someone tread so lightly that their footfall does not go deep in the snow? And where is the other footprint? How can a person stand on one leg alone without a staff to balance oneself?”
Varrick had no answer for him since he had wondered the same himself since seeing the one footprint Fia had spotted.
“Be vigilant tonight. We return home in the morning,” Varrick said and while they looked relieved, they mumbled amongst themselves. He caught a few words as he walked away.
“She must stay.”
“The witch will know.”
“Or does she help Death?”
That was what worried Varrick. If this problem lingered or grew worse, would they begin to blame Fia instead of looking to her for help? Corwin was right about Varrick having no weakness… until now.
Now he had a weakness… Fia.