There was a possessive worry in his grip that she hadn’t felt before now. There was no time to dwell on it, she hastily responded, “Aye, you have my word I will not leave your side.”

He lowered his face close to hers. “I will hold you to that, Fia.”

She got a strange feeling he did not mean that it was only tonight she was to remain by his side. But again, she had no time to dwell on it. He rushed her out of the bedchamber after swiping her cloak off a wood chest. He hurried it around her after they reached the bottom of the stairs, not surprisingly, to find Argus waiting there.

“The village wakes?” Varrick asked as Argus tossed a cloak to him, though knew what he would hear.

“Aye, and they worry who the God of Death will claim this night. The animals were not enough for him. They believe he wants a human soul.”

“Have the sentinels spotted any hounds?” Varrick asked, his hand slipping down along his wife’s arm to close his hand around hers in a strong grip.

“Nothing so far,” Argus said and followed Varrick and Fia out the door and into the village.

Fia moved closer to her husband, her free hand going to his forearm to hold on to it, shivering in fear at what she saw as they entered the heart of the village.

“Do not worry. You are safe with me, Fia,” he whispered, feeling her hand dig into his arm and the tremble that ran through her.

She was not sure about that as she watched numerous torches flicker in the cold night air as people crowded together and hearing anxious voices cry out that death was near. Fear was tangible as was the danger that came with it.

“Give him a soul and be done with it!” someone shouted.

“Are you offering your soul, Hagen?” Varrick called out as he approached the crowd while Argus disappeared into it.

Hagen paled and opened his mouth, but no words were forthcoming.

“I did not think so,” Varrick said, his voice powerful and strong enough for all to hear. “There will be no sacrifices. This will be resolved.”

“Before another life is claimed?” someone in the crowd yelled.

Another responded, “We have a witch healer. She will know what to do to save us from death.”

Death will strike.

There were some things Fia preferred not to know. This was one of them, for she knew that death could not always be conquered.

“Send her to the forest to battle Death and free us from his evil,” someone called out.

“Aye!” sang out another. “Let her do what Lord Varrick brought her here to do.”

“Ayes,” echoed through the crowd.

Fia knew of only one way to calm the fearful crowd… give them hope. She raised her voice for all to hear. “I go tomorrow to the forest.”

Cheers rang out and smiles broke loose.

Varrick turned his head to her. “I should have ordered your silence as well.”

“This is good, very good,” Argus said, his grin wide as he stepped out of the crowd.

Varrick was not feeling as joyous and his shout was harsh as he ordered, “Go to your homes and stay there until dawn or face my wrath!”

No one hesitated. They all hurried off.

“I will have a troop ready in the morning to escort Lady Fia into the forest,” Argus said.

“I will take her myself and I will hear no argument about it,” Varrick commanded.

“She has worked her evil wiles on you, my lord, I can see it,” Brother Luke said, stepping out of the shadows of the night. “You believe her kind when she is nothing but evil. Do not let her trick you. Do not let her feed your soul to the devil.”