Marsh remained silent for a moment. “I suppose there is no way of truly knowing except that Ella told me she used no potions, nor did she mumble strange words. And I heard with my own ears her gently encourage my son. I saw no magic, only a woman who cared deeply for others.”
Marsh’s words struck Varrick’s heart, twisting at it. Was that what he felt when Fia touched him, her caring heart? He could not say but it made him curious to find out.
“If she is not a witch, then you are stuck with her as a wife,” Argus said with a questioning look at Varrick.
“He could do worse,” Marsh said. “At least the clan would have an exceptional healer.”
“Something the clan could use,” Corwin said. “Many have praised her skill, though with today’s event some have turned skeptical again. A good reason to send her into the woods and see what she can find.”
A thought came to Varrick, and he would not wait until morning to pursue it. He would see it done now.
“I will think on all you say and decide on this tomorrow,” Varrick said. “In the meantime, we must consider who and why someone would want to poison the animals and leave them at our doorstep.”
“The obvious explanation would be to put fear in our people,” Argus said. “Though to what end I do not know.”
“To weaken us as a clan?” Corwin suggested. “Isn’t that how it appears, having brought a witch here to help us?”
“A good and wise leader does what is necessary, though not always popular with the clan,” Marsh said.
“Then it is good we have a good and wise leader,” Argus said, raising his tankard and the other two men nodded and raised their tankards as well.
“Enough speculation for the day,” Varrick commanded. “It has grown late, and a good rest will bring clearer heads to us all.”
“True enough,” Argus said and finished his ale as did Corwin and Marsh.
Varrick had little taste for ale tonight, wanting a clear mind for decisions he had to make. He bid his men good-night and made his way up the stairs, though did not stop at the first floor, but made his way to the second.
His wife’s door stood closed, and he gave no thought to knocking since no door in the keep was closed to him.
Fia jumped startled by the door opening and took a step back, her legs hitting the bed.
Varrick never thought his wife could be more beautiful than she already was, yet standing in only a sleeveless shift, her hair loose and falling in waves over her shoulders, the fire’s light sparking it with bursts of red, her dark eyes wide, and her lips glistening, she possessed a beauty that completely captivated him right down to his loins.
He went to her, taking hold of her face in his two hands.
She thought he meant to kiss her since his eyes sparked with desire and she was surprised, and disappointed, when he didn’t. Instead, he asked, “Has your knowing warned you to stay out of the forest?”
“Nay, it has told me nothing about the forest,” she said, “but it might if I went there.”
A warning echoed in Varrick’s head.Let go of her. Do not let her work her magic on you.
But what if it wasn’t magic? What if it was real? What if he desired her as he had other women? But this desire overpowered him like no other, so was it magic or was it real? And how did he find out?
Fia saw in his bold blue eyes how he fought his attraction. She could make it easy for him and kiss him, but the fight was his to win or lose.
“Bloody hell,” he whispered, and his lips came down on hers just as the silent night was shattered by the soulful howling of hounds.
Varrick tore his mouth away from Fia’s lips just as their lips touched. His mind reeled with what it meant that at that precise moment when he kissed her… the hounds of hell had howled. Had it been a warning?
He stepped away from Fia. “Get dressed. You come with me.”
He had no intention of leaving her alone while he went to the village to where he was sure he would find a crowd of fearful villagers gathering and worried what trouble it could bring. “Stay close to me, and do not leave my side.”
“Aye,” Fia said and though his words were stern, there was concern in his eyes.
He grabbed her arm once she finished dressing, his hand tightening around it. “Give me your word.”