I get her settled in the Land Rover, by far my favorite car for where we’re going. Rugged enough to take off road but comfortable for my beautiful passenger. She’s so tiny, she has to hold onto the bar and step on the running board to get herself up into the car.
“Need a boost?” I tease.
She swings herself into the car, landing with her purse in her lap. She gives me a smile of victory. “I’ve got it.”
She’s got determination and grit. I wouldn’t really take her on a run—I’d never put her in danger like that. I was just playing around. I’ll tell her the truth when we get closer, but right now I love that she was down to go along for the ride, making sure I don’t rough someone up for money.
Grumps curls up on the back seat.
We’re going to check out an event space. Not my idea of a hard day’s work. Tess made me promise I’d take Ashe in exchange for her employment. My typical workday usually involves more physical force and blood, but hey, a promise is a promise.
Something about a Beauties’ glamping retreat they were already planning. I have no idea.
I’ll probably just wait in the car while she checks it out. My musically inclined brother, John—yes, he was conceived exactly where you think he was—has me learning to play the piano. He downloaded an app on my phone. The keys scroll across the screen and you press them with your fingers. I’m trying to nail downPrelude in C Major.
We leave the Village and drive through the city, an easy silence between us. As the buildings grow further apart, I feel tension entering her body.
She stares out the window. “Where are we going to get this money, exactly?”
“We’re close.”
It’s all trees and hills now. We’re actually pretty close to my place. I live out in the country. I need space to breathe.
Tess said the place I’m looking for is in the sticks and she’s not exaggerating. There’s only one other car on the road. A white SUV that’s been behind us since we turned off the main highway. I start looking for the landmark Tess mentioned, the one that marks the long drive to the glamping site.
Whatever the fuck glamping is.
All I see are tall evergreens. “Could you let me know if you see a giant purple cactus statue topped with a pink cowgirl hat?”
Her pretty face flips from her window. “A what?!”
“Cactus. Giant cactus. Tess said we’d see one.” I don’t even see the entrance to a drive anywhere. I slow down.
“Wait a minute. You were kidding me about the money, weren’t you? We’re going to the glamping site, aren’t we!”
“You got me. What is glamping anyway? Girl-camping?”
“Something like that.” She pulls out her phone, tapping away at her screen. “Okay, we’re only like a quarter of a mile out. It should be around here somewhere. We’re also looking for a sign.Cowgirl Camping.”
I slow down. The white SUV behind us speeds up. “What the hell…”
“What is it?” She looks over her shoulder.
“There’s some idiot driving like a maniac.” I study the rearview mirror. New Yorkers know how to drive, but until you’ve been on I-93 South from the tunnel to the split, you got nothin’ on Bostonians.
The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. My gut kicks in. Something ain’t right here.
“This fuckin’ guy.” I turn to Ashe. “You got your seat belt on, babygirl?”
“What! Why?” Her neck snaps around as she looks behind us, staring at the car.
“Sit back and relax.”
She settles back in her seat, her fingers digging into the leather. “What’s going on? Oh my gosh…”
“Hold on tight, baby. Grumps, get down.” The dog obeys, hopping down onto the floorboard where he’ll be safer.
I grip the wheel. The SUV charges forward. But I anticipate his move. I hit the gas, sliding over till I’m riding the yellow lines.