Page 23 of Mafia Captor

There he goes again, with hiswanting meline, the line that got my panties off in the first place. I’ve got to get us out of the danger zone, cool down the sexual tension that’s burning between us. “Fine. Let’s get to work.” I march over to his desk, setting my purse down on its bare top. “What do you want me to do.”

His hands go to the buckle of his belt. There’s not a tinge of shame in his filthy words as he says, “Suck my cock?”

Dirty boy. I will the blush to stay away from my cheeks. “Nope. Not going to happen. Let me make something clear. I am your employee. I work for you. I’m good with whatever job you give me, within reason, but I will not be your personal sex worker. In fact, I will not be touching you.”

“Can I touch you?” He gazes at my breasts.

I cross my arms over my chest. “Absolutely not.”

“Fine.” He heaves a heavy sigh, his hands dropping from his waist. “We’ll get to work.”

“Great. What are we doing?”

“Working.” He grabs his car keys from a hook on the wall. “Come on.”

“Where are we going?” I grab my purse from the desk. His next words stop my heart.

He gives me that devil’s grin. “We’re going to kill a man.”



“Boston.Killing a man? What are you talking about?” Her pretty blue eyes widen, her lips forming a little “O” of surprise. She’s painted them today to match her red dress. It’s fucking sexy. There’s a shine of fear in her eyes.

Grumps gives a bark from my arms, ready for action.

Probably not a good time to confess that I’m the debt collector for the family. It’s a job I’m good at, one I did for my dad back in Boston. You need someone who can separate their emotions from the task at hand. I can turn off feelings as easily as people flip their damn light switches off at home. My powers are so strong, people think I’m heartless. I get called an asshole half the time.

Maybe I am an ass, or maybe it’s just the way I’m wired.

What they don’t know is that I tear up at diaper commercials. Those chubby little babies. Their smiles kill me.

They’re just too damn cute.

I do have money I need to collect. Pretty close to where we’re headed, actually. Could kill two birds with one stone but not with her in the car.

Still, I like teasing her. “Come on, haven’t you ever wanted to hold a gun?”

“Um… No. Holding a gun is not on this girl’s bucket list.” She shakes her head in disbelief. I hold back a laugh.

She peers at me, suspicious. “You’re just trying to get a reaction from me.”

I love getting a rise out of her. I get off on it. But I know when to quit.

“We’re not going to kill a man,” I say. “Just make him think we’re going to kill him.”

“And why would we do that?”

“He owes us money,” I say. “Doesn’t he, Grumps?”

“For what? You guys have more money than God.” She shakes her head. “No. You know what? I don’t want to know. But I’m coming with you anyway to make sure you don’t do anything crazy.”

Purse slung over her shoulder, she marches past me, determined to put in a good day’s work.

I watch her ass cheeks jiggle under the thin fabric of her dress as she goes by.

Not fucking her is going to be the hardest job I’ve ever had.