We remained still for a long moment.

I heard growling, but no fighting.

Until finally, Remmo’s body launched, carrying me steadily with him.

I was placed on my feet a moment later, and gaped down at an unconscious Teris.

“How did you do that?” I asked him.

He flashed me a fanged grin. “Did no one teach you about venom?”

“No, they sure as helldid not.”

“I’ll teach you on our way to the lake. After a dip in the river, and a lesson about concealing your scent.” He gestured toward said river. “We’ve only got about an hour before the sabertooth is conscious, so we need to get moving.”

I probably should’ve said no.

I probably should’ve walked away.

But when he held out his arm, I took it.


I shifted backto my basilisk form as I slipped into the river, just because it was easier to roll around in my big ole’ snake form.

Remmo did the same, and I shivered a little when his massive side brushed up against mine. Not a bad shiver, either. Somehow, even with the cold water wrapped around us, he shocked me somehow.

I wasn’t sure why that kept happening, but figured it was just another weird fae thing. It had never happened when I touched Teris, but he hadn’t really liked me. Remmo seemed to at least a little, so maybe that was what the shocking was all about.

He finished washing before me, and shifted back to his man form as he slid out of the river. While I followed him out and shifted too, he plucked a few huge leaves from a large bush that was nearly identical to about a billion others I’d seen in Vevol.

“What’s that?” I checked.

“This is how we conceal our scents. Now that they’ve begun to meld, Teris won’t be able to track us.” He crumpled a leaf in his gigantic hand before he handed it to me, and I sniffed it.

My eyes watered at the strength of the smell, and I jerked it away from me. “That reeks.”

“Yes. It’s strong enough to wipe away all other smells. The scent you leave behind when coated in the memis will only be faint, and will smell like the many, many bushes stretching across our lands.”


That was actually pretty cool.

Maybe I should’ve asked a fae to teach me about plants while the other girls were fighting. So far I’d only learned about a few, and they all could do cool shit. Like North’s birth control ice cream fruit, and the koveko that could knock people out.

I ignored my watering eyes as I quickly dragged the leaf over my exposed skin and clothing the same way Remmo was.

“If you were covered in this stuff, why did you still smell so good to me?” I asked him. “Also, you never told me why youdosmell so good.”

“The effect of the memis wears off over time. And ultimately, each fae is affected differently by the scents of those around them. Some say that Vevol speaks to them through their nose.”

A snort escaped me. “They can’tactuallysay that.”

His lips curved upward. “Some do.” He lifted the memis leaf to his hair and dragged it over the pretty, damp waves. I followed suit, though it made me cringe. The last thing I wanted was this stink clinging to my hair.

Well, maybe not thelastthing. But one of the lasts.

“Well do I smell good to you, too? Or is it a one-way thing?” I checked.