“It’s certainly not one-way.” He stepped closer to me, kneeling in front of me as he inhaled. I knew he was just checking to see if I’d properly hidden my scent, but the sight of him on his knees in front of me made my cheeks hot anyway.

Some small part of me wondered if maybe he was my fated mate. The way he smelled… shit, it was incredible. But that shouldn’t have been the only sign, if we were mates.

According to what little I’d been told by January—and the stories I’d heardfromthe other girlsaboutthe other girls—when a male fae had met his mate, he knew she was his the minute he caught her scent. He could track her anywhere, with ease, which was why the big, dramatic Wild Hunt shit had been created in the first place.

If I were Remmo’s mate, he would’ve already grabbed me and declared me his. He definitely wouldn’t have been able to stay calm while listening to me say that I was in love with Teris, because every fiber of his being would insist that he should beat his chest and make sure everyone knew I was his.

So… I wasn’t Remmo’s mate.

And he wasn’t mine.

But he still wanted to be friends, and apparently we smelled good to each other.

Why not see where it went?

Maybe hanging out with him would help me get over Teris.

Or maybe he’d end up murdering me and hanging my body from a tree. Only time would tell.

Either way, it had to be better than sitting on my ass, waiting for Teris to decide that he wanted me.

“Tuck this in your shirt,” he explained to me, grabbing a fresh leaf.

I blinked at him, eyes still watering a bit. “What?”

“…here.” He tugged my tank top away from my skin a bit and stuffed the leaf downward.

Until his fingers met the tops of my tits, sending another tiny shock through my skin.

Then he froze.

I lifted a brow at him, watching as his eyes grew rounder.

And rounder.

“Not expecting to find boobs there?” I drawled, when a few more seconds passed and he still hadn’t moved.

He jerked his hand away. “I didn’t expect them to be soft.”

“Pretty much all of me is soft. Here.” I grabbed his hand and stuffed it back in my shirt. His fingers slowly wrapped around my tit, as if he couldn’t stop himself from gripping it. “I’m not all muscley like you.” I gestured to his abdomen. “My belly’s soft. My thighs have hella squish. My arms are flabby.” I lifted an arm, shaking it around a little. “It’s probably not that attractive to you, but—”

His finger tightened on my breast. “It’sfuckingattractive to me.”

I blinked.

He didn’t release me.

I supposed Ihadbeen the one to stick his hand in there. He was probably worried he’d offend me if he let go. Or maybe he’d just realized how much he liked tits.

“Okay.” I pulled his hand from my shirt, and as soon as I gave the slightest tug, he let go. “So you want this leaf in my top. And another one in my skirt?” I gestured down to the damn thing that had slid up nearly to my waist and barely covered my lady-bits.

“Yes.” He handed it to me.

I dutifully tucked them away. “Now, we’re good to go?”

“We are. Stay close behind me; I know the fastest way to get there.”

Honestly, it was a huge relief to hear that he was going to lead me. It took a whole damn lot of the pressure off me if he knew where we were going and how to get there.