So, lunch it was.

“Yeah, I’ll meet you for lunch. And I can stop by after Lucas is asleep, if that works.”

“We’ll have to make do in my truck or your car tonight, but I’d be up for it. Around 9?” His eyes gleamed, and his hand slid further up my thigh. His fingers halted against my core when he realized I didn’t have underwear on.

“Yeah, we’ll do nine. What time for lunch?”

“Noon.” He dragged me to the edge, so my ass was hanging off, and tugged on the hem of my shirt. “Can I take this off of you?”

“Depends how good you make it for me,” I countered.

His eyes were hot as he unbuttoned his jeans. “Bite me already, Spitfire.”

My lips parted in a grin, and I dragged him toward me. My fangs descended as his scent met my nose, and they slid into his neck as I reached for him, wrapping my hand around his erection.

He growled when I grabbed him, spreading my thigh wider with one hand while the other found my breast, squeezing and prodding and working my nipples.

I was self-conscious about those little tits, but somehow, he made them feel sexy.

The hand on my thigh found my clit while he slid into me, and with his blood filling my throat, I shattered with him.

My forehead dropped to his shoulder as I tried to catch my breath.

“You’re perfect,” he growled to me.

“Thanks.” I didn’t want him to step away, to leave.

But he stepped away.

“Do you need anything else?” he checked, his gaze sweeping the countertops. They were clean of course; I didn’t use any dishes.

Ineededmore than sex.

Ineededcuddling, and talking, and friendship.

But I just drawled back, “Sleep.”

His lips curved upward slightly, his facial hair hiding most of the tiny smile. “Go back to bed, then.” The man turned and strode toward the door, missing the tears that pooled in my eyes as he took his keys with him. The lock turned after he shut the door behind him, and I was alone.


I triedto go back to sleep, but failed.

After I paced my bedroom for a few minutes, I finally grabbed my phone and called Morgan. She’d started waking up early a few months ago for her early shifts at the coffee shop every day, so I knew she’d be up even if it was the weekend and she was off getting to know the Feral Pack.

“Hello?” she whispered into the phone.

“I need help,” I blurted.

She didn’t even hesitate. “Okay, I’ll be there in thirty.”

“No, no, you don’t need to leave.” I continued pacing. “I just need advice.”

“Shoot, then.”

“Kai is feeding me,” I said quickly. “He has to, frequently, because of the fever. Right?”
