“But it makes us both horny. We may have done some steamy shit the first time we met—and continued doing steamier shit afterward,” I continued. “Every time he feeds me. But he’s planning on parting ways as soon as the fever is over.”

“That’s not even possible,” she whispered back. “The sickness will come back.”

“I know that,” I hissed. “But he doesn’t. He doesn’t want me.”

“Iris,” she said with a sigh.

“I know, I know. I never let people keep secrets. But I didn’t lie outright to him; he just didn’t care enough to ask more questions. He just wants me to be like… I don’t know, his three-day dirty-secret or something. He’s using me for sex. And I’m fine with it, or I was fine with it, but…”

“But you want a relationship. And a steady mate. And an accessible meal,” she murmured.

“Right.” I sighed. “And I want him to snuggle me. Who the hell doesn’t snuggle after sex? It’s the best part!”

“People who aren’t interested in having a relationship aren’t interested in snuggling, Iris.”


“So what do I do?” I asked her.

“You have two options. Lay all of your cards out on the table and tell him what you want, or tell him you don’t want to have sex when you eat anymore. What youcan’tdo is let him keep using you if it doesn’t make you feel good anymore. If you’re on board with the using, then it’s mutual and fine. But as soon as you’re not enjoying it, it’s not fine, and you need to tell him no.”

I sighed. “I know that.”

“But what?”

“But it’s nice to be liked,” I admitted glumly. “And wanted. You should see the way he looks at me, Morgan. Like I’m the most gorgeous thing he’s ever seen. If I tell him no more sex, I’m never going to see that look again.”

She was silent for a minute. “Can I just talk to him? Tell him he’s not doing it for you?”

I grimaced. “No. Heisdoing it for me, physically. Just not emotionally.”

“Alright, then the next time you see him, tell him you want foreplay. I can’t imagine he’d say no to that if he’s a hot-blooded male werewolf.”

I heard a growl on Morgan’s side of the line, and she grumbled something back that sounded suspiciously like, “possessive werewolf bastard”.

“Alright, alright. I’ll try that.”

“I can always talk to him,” she reminded me. “And if you want more, you should tell him that. Me and Axel started out thinking that way too.”

My eyes closed. “It was different for you and Axel. Simpler. There’s a kid involved here; neither of us is willing to risk hurting him in any way. You failed at being sex friends because you both want more, but I can tell you for a fact that Kai doesn’t. There was no question; we had an honest conversation about it. And he very clearly told me that he wasn’t willing to go through the thirst or the craze with me. He never asked what I wanted, and wasn’t willing to discuss an alternative, so I didn’t offer one.”

“Ugh, I’m sorry. Where is his wolf in all this?”

I made a face. “His wolf doesn’t really like me.”

There was a moment of silence. I heard murmuring on Morgan’s side of the call. “Axel says that’s not possible,” she said. “Literally, not possible. The wolf is the one who chose you.”

“I think it’s just because he felt bad that I was dying,” I whispered back.

“Don’t evenstartwith me about that,” Morgan growled at me.

I grimaced.

“The wolf is probably just afraid of getting attached to you after what happened with his last mate,” she said. “He’ll warm up to you.”

“Not if we don’t give him the chance to.”

She considered it. “Did you bite him yet?”