Page 20 of Captivated

“Yes,” Eric responds as he grabs his Coke. “Amelia will clean the room when you leave.” He talks about her as if she’s a maid.

“Right.” I watch him walk out. I look at her, she looks upset. She needs to be with a real man. Her eyes are glassy as she looks at me. I nod and turn to leave as if she understands my thoughts.

“Oh, Mr. Starks …” I turn around. “You should check the gardens out before you leave.” She smiles with a slight shrug. “I’m not sure if you had an opportunity. It’s especially nice in the mornings.”

We share a smile. “Maybe I will take my breakfast in the courtyard.”

“Very well.” She nods and grins as she turns her music on. I laugh on the inside. She knows it’s going to piss him off and she really doesn’t care.

* * *

I standnaked in the hot shower letting the suds wash away my sweat—thinking about her. She’s beautiful. He’s a fucktard. I hate to leave because no one is going to be around to interrupt his unwanted advances. I guess she can handle herself; she’s managed for the last ten years.

“God, years of fucking unwanted advances,” I moan quietly as I let the water run over my face. I look down at my fat cock, growing with desire, thinking of her … my cock responded to her touch yesterday … I wouldn’t be too opposed to the idea … Nope! I won’t allow myself to even consider these thoughts. I cut the shower and towel dry my body, wrapping the towel around my waist and look at myself in the mirror. I’m a good-looking son of a bitch. I run my fingers through my hair, causing it to fall naturally down the center, brushing the sides first and then back. I grab my Aveda pomade and rub it through my hair. I trim my stubble and shape my mustache. I put on my gray suit with my white dress shirt, leaving the first few buttons opened.

I pull the bedding over the bed, smoothing out the wrinkles. I take the small jewelry box out of the bag. After I had left Amelia at the inn, I hit the few bars Amelia Island had to offer. And after a couple of gins I found myself at the jewelry store looking in. The storekeeper decided I must have looked hopeless to fix something or maybe she thought I had forgotten an important date. I don’t know what she thought, but the storekeeper unlocked the front door, an offered me entrance. I open the box looking at the blue sapphire dangle earrings, accented with a small diamond. They’re easy enough to dress up with a cocktail dress or wear every day. I hope she will wear them. I flip the lid and set them on the bedside table, with the note I stayed up writing last night.

I wipe down the bathroom counter and toss my towels in the shower. I don’t want to appear to be a complete slob, but she knows I have a housekeeper. I grab my bags and carry them down before I head for breakfast. Our eyes meet on the landing.

She looks at my bag as she carries plates of food into the dining room. She quickly rushes back towards the door as I am setting my bags down. “Are you leaving … before breakfast?” Her eyes are sparkling, dancing between mine.

“No.” I smile. “Of course not. I was just putting my bags in the car. I’ll have to head back once I’m finished with breakfast, however.”

“Right.” She smiles. “Do you want me to fix you a plate and take it to the courtyard?”

“Sounds perfect.” I grin as I watch her head back towards her kitchen. I’m sitting alone in the courtyard; it is peaceful out here. I smile as I see her bringing a tray of food. “Wow, you went all out this morning.” I grin as she takes the plates and places them in front of me on the table.

“I didn’t know what kind of juice you liked, so I brought you a glass of each.” She smiles as I pull her a chair.

“Sit with me.” She looks around and tucks her hair behind her ears as she sits down for a minute. I noticed she has a mark on her shoulder that wasn’t there this morning. “What’s this?” I frown as I move her hair to the side a little. She reaches up but I intercept her hand.

“It’s nothing.” She covers her shoulder with her hair.

“He has no right to touch you like that.” I don’t give a shit if I overstep my bounds. “Just because he’s your husband, he’s not entitled.”

She nods but doesn’t argue with me. “Please don’t,” she whispers, “I don’t want you to leave on this kind of note.” She looks up and our eyes meet. Oddly I don’t want to leave her at all. I’ve never met anyone who makes me feel anything more than lust. “You are quite possibly the most captivating man I’ve ever met.”I know she’s the most enchanting woman I’ve ever met.

I was about to touch her skin, stroke her cheek, just once I was going to allow myself that little taboo pleasure.

“There you two are,” her husband says. I close my eyes to gain my composure, so I can be civil. Her body tenses as he walks closer. She plasters on a fake smile, but I can tell it’s fake. Her eyes aren’t sparkling now.

“Yes, Mr. Starks wanted his breakfast courtyard.”

“I was hoping to talk with you before you left.” Eric grabs a chair and drags it over. “I was curious if you found any location you were interested in.”

“I did. I’ve got to run some numbers when I get back to the office and discuss business projections for the area.” I can tell he’s interested. “I’ve got your card. I have a project manager that handles the ins and outs of everything. I’ll pass it along to him.” Amelia sits quietly, watching me eat. Eric continues rambling on about inconsequential bullshit. I don’t even know what he’s talking about. Amelia has flooded my thoughts, just being this close.

* * *

I seeher watching from an upstairs window as I pull out of the driveway. I stare for a moment. We can’t ever share anything more than what we’ve already shared. I need to get back to my life.

Damn I am one sexy son of a bitch. I look at my reflection in the glass windows of my office building tossing my keys to the valet. I slept great in my bed, ran ten miles, and worked out for an hour. I feel fabulous this morning. I intend to hit the club scene tonight after work, I’ve been in a three-day dry spell. Three days too damn long.

I smile as my office doors are opened for me. My presence is greeted with smiling faces. I’ve missed the swooning over me. I was just under a sapphire vixen’s spell. I still loath Eric Johansson. I’d love to fuck his wife and tell him. If she didn’t deserve so much more, I would break my cardinal rule and do just that!

“Gerry the man!” I praise when I walk by his desk. He stands up, giving me my coffee. “Love the suit … my friend.” Gerry is gracing my navy and gray world with maroon today.

I walk into my office and unfasten my coat as I sit behind my desk. I turn my chair, glaring at the colony below.