Page 21 of Captivated

“Someone had a good weekend?” Gerry smirks as he graces his maroon-colored suit on my stark white furniture. “How many ladies do you want me to avoid today?”

“None!” I lean back looking at him. Grinning, I say, “I haven’t been laid since I went out of town.”

“Shit … please.” Gerry doesn’t believe me.

“I am serious.” I grin as I look at my trusted and well-paid assistant. “You sent me to a bed and breakfast.” I give him a knowing look. “What did you think was going to happen?”

“What did you think of the area?” I look at him suspiciously, does that question have a double meaning? He’s smirking at me.

“I found a location,” I say as I sip my coffee.

“If that’s all you found, should I book a meeting to discuss the new club?” He’s pursing his lips, crossing his legs.

“Yes! I need Andy and Michael.” I click my computer on and pull up my email. “Just tell me when they can meet. I do want to make this sooner than later.”

“I’ll do it now. I put some contracts for you to review on your desk that require the top dog’s signature.” He swaggers out of my office. I grin watching him.

I pull the first contract. My mind drifts to Amelia. I wonder if she found the earrings. I look at my clock, it’s already after ten. She should be cleaning up after her breakfast. I wonder if she had any guests this morning. Damn her cooking was delicious.

I sigh, turning looking out my window at my amazing view of this city. I can see my club, Libation. I watch some boats pull into the port. She hasn’t been sailing, yet she lives on an island. I’d like to take her sailing on my boat. Sighing, I rub my hand down and over my scruff, this is exactly why I haven’t allowed myself to think of her. I turn looking at my desk, the same contract still opened, and I haven’t a clue what I’ve read. Could Gerry read me like he normally does? I find myself watching him through the glass. He’s on the phone, probably scheduling my conference.

I sit down to reread the first paragraph, when Gerry opens my door. “Amelia Johansson is on the line for you.”

I look up, Gerry is grinning ridiculously at me. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

He’s smirking like I’m playing with fire. “Are you interested in this call?” He throws his hip out as he waits.

Grinning I say, “Put her through.” I watch him close the door and dispatch her call. When my phone rings, I let it ring twice. I don’t want to sound too eager.

I click the speaker on and lean back in my chair. “Quinton Starks.” I can hear her breathing, not sure what to say. “Hello, are you there?” I know she is.

“Yes.” Her voice is like heaven ringing in my ears. I have bubbles in my stomach. “I wanted to thank you for the beautiful earrings,” she says.

“I saw them and they reminded me of your eyes. I do hope you will wear them.” I lean forward waiting for her to say more. I hear her nerves. “Amelia, are you still on the line?”

“Yes, sorry … I …” she pauses for a moment. “I love them. I haven’t taken them off since I found them.” I’m grinning like a fool. “They’re too much,” she blurts out.

I shoot back in my chair. “Too much?” I’ve never purchased jewelry for any woman in my life, does she not realize this?Of course she doesn’tQuinton,I tell myself. “Amelia, it’s not too much. Please don’t overthink things.”

“Oh,” she says. Her voice has changed completely.

“No,” I find myself blubbering. “That didn’t come out right.” I take a deep breath. “I wanted you to have them. They weren’t over the top pricey if that’s your concern. It made me feel good to buy them. Please enjoy them, you deserve something beautiful.”

I can hear her sniffle. “I don’t want to jump to any sort of conclusion of your intentions. It’s just … this sort of thing, just doesn’t really happen to me.” I’m grinning at her unspoken confession.

“Let your mind run away, sweet Amelia.” I grin, she’s clearly disturbed by me. “I know my place; where I stand.” But I wasn’t expecting her question … her bluntness.

“Will I see you again?” Those five words have so much possibility. She wants to see me again. I grin like a high school boy, something that I haven’t done in twenty plus years, easily.

“Yes, I do hope so.” I grin, standing. Looking out my window at the water. I can hear the relief in her breathing. “Conversation is easier face to face.”


“I can hear your smile.” She laughs finally relaxing. “Did you have guests this morning?”

“No, everyone left yesterday.”

“I missed your delicious breakfast this morning,” I confess, “I wondered if you cooked, but now I know.”