Page 19 of Dark Escapes

‘Si, yes.’ Did she just blush? Damn.

‘I’m looking for a woman who may have stayed here last week. I’m with the Scottish police and she is a fugitive we are trying to locate.’

The woman looked me up and down before reaching for my fake ID, looking from it to my face. After a few tense moments, she shrugged. ‘Do you have a picture?’

I nodded and went into my photos on my phone, bringing up Esther’s pretty grinning face, her arm slung about her sister’s shoulder. ‘This one here.’

She tilted her head and considered for a moment. Nerves crept into my chest as I faced the fact that I may have lost the track entirely if Esther hadn’t been there.

‘Yes. She was here.’


A comically enormous book creaked as she opened it, scanning through the last, half filled page. ‘One week ago. See here?’

Her finger ran along an entry. It didn’t say Esther or Emily, rather Amelia Reid. Really, I would have been impressed with the lengths Esther had gone to if I wasn’t so fucking pissed at her.

‘And it’s definitely the girl from the picture?

‘Yes,’ she nodded eagerly. ‘I remember her eyes, so green.’

Relief. Cold and fresh. Thank fuck.

‘Do you know where she went?’

‘Yes. She took the morning bus up to Cuelle.’

‘Thank you.’ I could have kissed her. The way she looked at my lips, she may have welcomed it. ‘Is there another bus?’

‘In the morning, Si.’

‘A taxi? Uber?’

She giggled and shook her head. ‘Not out here. Bus is it. First thing tomorrow.’

‘I guess I’d better take a room then.’

I handed over cash and filled in the form with my details, all while the receptionist fluttered her long eyelashes at me. When she slid the room key, an actual key not a plastic card, into my hand, her fingers hovered over mine for just a second too long.

‘Would you like any help in your room?’

My eyes fell from her fluttering lashes to her generous tits. She was pretty. And if I hadn’t been so exhausted, I’d have likely taken her up on the offer. My balls were blue enough.

‘Not tonight. It’s been a long trip.’ I gave her a soft smile, hoping it would stop the sting of rejection.

Her face reddened as she pointed to the staircase at the far end of the room. ‘Up the stairs, first door on the right. Call me if you need anything.’

The way she stressed the anything told me I hadn’t left her too disheartened.

My room was quaint but clean, looking out over the small pool below. The sun was just dipping below the horizon, sending great streaks of orange light over the sea of hills.

I stripped off my clothes and ran the shower, stepping in under the blistering hot water and groaning. I missed my house. My bed. Hell, I missed Gladys. Tracking people down usually meant hitting a few junkie dens and twisting a few arms for names, not a thousand mile long hunt through the dusty back roads of another country.

Scrubbing the dirt from my blonde hair with shitty hotel shampoo, I let a seed of hope flourish. I was close. I had to be. Esther couldn’t be moving to a new village every single day, could she? With each passing day, she’d be feeling more emboldened by her escape. She’d have to slow down soon.

My hand stroked at my cock as my mind filled with her. It wasn’t the first time I’d fucked my fist and thought of those pretty green eyes. Little did I know that in the flesh, she’d been even hotter than in my fantasies. The way she’d said please when she asked to suck me, her voice so sweet and eager. Fuck, it had got me straight in the crotch.

I leant one hand against the slick tiles of the shower stall as I stroked my fist up my length, imagining her hot, wet mouth over me. Those fuck me eyes begging me to use her. My cum dripping from her lips.