Page 20 of Dark Escapes


My grunts mingled with the sound of falling water as I let myself go, fully imagining her there, on her knees, begging to please me. Tears on her face as she pleads for forgiveness. Fuck, I’d make her work for it.

Balls heavy, I jerked my swollen dick. In my head it was her sweet little cunt engulfing the head, wrapping me up in her heat. She’d writhe against me as I speared her again and again, all the while making her pay for deceiving me. All the while begging for more.

Water dripped down over my face as I came with a heated groan, jerking my hips into my fist as I imagined filling her pussy until she begged me to stop. Her face would blush and slicken with sweat. Her cunt swollen and sore and dripping with my seed.

After the moment passed, my cum washed down the drain and my post-nut clarity returned like a huge slap in the face. Esther was off limits, and when I found her, I wouldn’t be getting my dick anywhere near her. I’d been burnt once by her deception already. I’d be a fool to fall for it twice.

I crashed into bed with a sigh, watching the sky turn blue and then black.

If only I’d have been born into a family like Esther’s.

She could have been mine.



As each day passed, my bruises subsided a bit more. The aches that had wracked my body after the attack slowly faded until I felt almost back to normal. With each day’s healing, I settled in more to the cosy life at the taverna.

Jock and Eva were sweet, like the grandparents I’d never had. Despite knowing that I wasn’t being open about my past, they’d welcomed me with open arms. I’d eaten like a queen, not the fancy food we often had made by our chefs at home, but proper home cooked Spanish food which warmed my heart almost as much as it did my belly.

Their taverna didn’t seem to make a large amount of money, the locals mostly using it as a watering hole, and Jock and Eva did pretty much everything themselves. But they were aging. I wanted to help in exchange for the kindness they’d shown me, and after much asking, Eva had eventually relented. Just like that, I had my first job.

I passed the two beers over to the men who’d ordered them, picking up some empties as I passed amongst the tables outside. Initially, I’d been worried that my attacker would show up in the bar, but so far, there was no sign of him. My smiles were coming easier as the number of days since my escape increased. They couldn’t look forever, and I could be anywhere in the world. I’d done it. I was free.

A young couple sat at a table near the door, all entwined in each other and looking at one another with puppy love in their eyes. I smiled as I picked up their empty plates and balanced them on my arm. Would I ever feel that? Arranged marriage was always going to be my destiny, but now that I was free, could I have it? A shiver of hope tugged at my insides as he reached forward and kissed the girl on the nose, grinning as she scrunched it.

I stopped myself from my wistful staring and went back inside, smiling as the herb laden air washed over me. The interior was a maximalists dream, full of colour and texture, the walls covered in bric-à-brac and mismatched paint. A far cry from our sleek interiors at home.

I fucking loved it.

Shouldering the door, I let myself into the kitchen, dropping the plates off at the sink to wash later before leaning against the counter and taking a drink of water. The heat would take some getting used to, a far cry from Glasgow’s dreary rain sixty percent of the time.

Jock came into the kitchen and nodded at me in that gruff way older men do when they don’t know what to say.

‘Do you want me to do these dishes now? I think most people have had food and Eva’s still on the bar?’

‘Why don’t you take a wee break, go out and see some of the town in the daylight? We can manage here for the afternoon.’

Jack reached into his pocket and pulled out a few euro notes, coming across and stuffing them into my hand.

‘Oh, you don’t have to--’

‘Shush now, lass. You’ve been a great help these past few days. You’ll be needing some essentials, I’m sure.’ Jock’s wrinkles that framed his eyes deepened as he smiled.

‘You are already feeding me and giving me a room. I can’t take this.’ I tried to pass the money back to him, but he shook his head and put his hands in his pockets.

‘You can. You’ve been working hard and we have the food and space here, anyway.’ He cleared his throat as his eyes misted. ‘We’ve missed having young ‘uns around.’

‘Your children?’ I asked, fingering the notes in my hands as I watched him.

‘Aye. I’ve not seen mine since I left Scotland. Eva’s daughter used to help us here. We lost her almost twenty years back, and it’s never quite felt the same. But I see how Eva’s brightened since you arrived. You’ve given her a purpose again. Someone to dote on.’

Guilt bit at my insides despite the sweet sentiments. There was no way I could stay there indefinitely, no matter how much I enjoyed the relaxed, homely atmosphere.

‘That’s sweet. But you know I can’t stay?’