Page 107 of Restrain Me

It’s after eleven, and the street is empty as I walk the short distance to the corner property. Under cover of darkness, I throw the bag over the wall and hoisting myself up, I quickly jump over, landing in a crouched position.

I zip the bag open before pulling out my Heckler & Koch and attaching a silencer. Taking a KA-BAR and a holster out, I attach it to my belt before I zip the bag shut.

Rising to my feet, I leave the duffle bag by the wall and creep toward the back of the house.

The sliding doors are wide open, and the lights are on in the house. Living in a gated community makes people let down their guard. Because he lives in the same area as Cami, I’ve been able to time the guards’ schedule and know they’re not due to patrol the area for another thirty minutes.

I’m unsure which room Roux will be in, and as I slip through the doors, I quickly move to the wall and press my body against it. I stand still for a moment and listen for any movement.

Not hearing anything, I head through the living room and up the stairs.

Suddenly, Roux coughs, giving me an indication of where he is. Holding my gun ready, I move closer to the room he’s in, and when I appear in the doorway, he doesn’t even look up.

Dumb fuck.

I step inside, and he glances up, looks down at the paperwork he’s busy with, then glances up again. His eyes go wide as saucers, and he tries to scramble up from his chair but only manages to fall on his ass.

“Mr. Levin, wait. Wait!”

I lower the gun and shake my head at the man. “Fine, I’ll wait.”

He finally climbs to his feet, and shaking like a leaf, he wildly glances around the room. “I can pay you.”

I shake my head.

“It was business.”

I let out a sigh and step deeper into the room. “I’m glad you know why I’m here. It saves me the time of explaining.”

I take a good look at the man who killed Maurice, then say, “I’m here on behalf of Camille DuBois.”

His face is pale, all the blood drained from it.

“I can pay double whatever she’s paying you,” he tries to bargain for his life.

“Unfortunately, you can’t. I’m doing my fiancée a favor.”

“Oh God,” he whimpers.

This is why I don’t like up close and personal killings. They always piss themselves and try to make a deal. It’s not my style. A clean shot from a distance is so much better.

I planned on torturing him a little, but now that I’m face to face with the fucker, I just want to get the job over with so I can get back to Cami.

Needing one question answered, I ask, “Were you responsible for the attack on Camille’s penthouse?”

Shakily, he nods. “I can explain. Let’s talk like rational men. I’m sure we can make a deal that will benefit us both.”

Raising my arm, I aim the silencer at Roux. “Maurice was a good man, and you should’ve done your homework before killing him. You would’ve known not to make such a stupid mistake.”

“He was going t–”

I pull the trigger, burying a bullet in his throat. For a moment, I watch as he grabs at his neck while the blood spills from the hole, then I fire another shot right between his eyes.

I let out another sigh. “All this could’ve been avoided, but then I wouldn’t have Cami.” I walk closer to the body and fire another shot into the side of his head to ensure the fucker doesn’t miraculously survive.

With the job done, I leave the house the way I entered it and place my weapons back in the duffle bag. I toss the bag over the wall before hoisting myself over too.

When I return to the SUV, I start the engine and drive back to Cami’s house.