Page 108 of Restrain Me

With this chapter closed, I now only have one thing left to do, and then I’ll be able to live my life with Cami in peace.

Well, as much peace as an assassin can have.

Chapter 38


I’m practically bouncing with excitement as I watch the plane land, and the moment it comes to a stop, I begin to walk closer.

It takes too long for the doors to open and the steps to be put in place, and when Max finally appears, I dart forward.

At the bottom of the steps, I plow into his chest and hug the living hell out of him. “God, I missed you so much.”

He lets out a chuckle as he lifts me against his body. “It was only a couple of days, baby. But I love the warm welcome.”

“Did everything go well?” Nikolai asks behind me.

The Vetrovs were the perfect hosts, and I got to know Abigail a little better. She’s not much younger than me, and I hope we can cultivate a friendship in the future.

Max pulls away from me to shake his friend’s hand while answering, “Yes, it was an easy hit.” He turns his gaze to me. “The target has been eliminated.”

A wave of emotion hits, and knowing Fabian Roux paid for what he did to us – for killing my father – there’s also a sense of justice I desperately needed.

There’s closure.

Max quickly pulls me back into his arms, and a second later, a sob escapes me. For the first time since my father passed away, I’m not crying because of grief but because of the intense relief.

“Thank you,” I whisper as I fight to regain control over my emotions.

Max peppers my hair with kisses and holds me tighter. “You’re welcome, baby.”

When I’ve calmed down, Nikolai asks, “Are you staying?”

Max shakes his head. “Unfortunately not. I have something important to take care of.”

While the men shake hands, I hurry to where I left my overnight bag and pick it up. As I walk back to Max, he takes the luggage from me.

“Once again, thank you for watching over Cami,” he says to Nikolai.

“Anytime, brother.”

“Thank you for having me,” I say with a smile. “Tell Abigail I’ll text her soon.”

“Will do,” Nikolai replies. “It’s a pity she had a dentist appointment and couldn’t be here to see you off.”

Max grips my hand in his and leads me up the steps. In the cabin, I take my seat while he places my luggage in a compartment before notifying the pilot to take off.

When Max sits down next to me, I grab hold of his jaw and kiss the ever-loving crap out of him. My man returns the kiss with the passion I’ve come to expect of him.

Pulling back, I ask, “What did you want to ask me?”

I’ve been dying to know. I have an idea what the question might be, but I don’t want to get my hopes up. He may just want to take me on a vacation.

“Wait until we’re in the air, then you can’t get off the plane,” he says.

My brow furrows. “Now you have me worried.”

So much for my guess.