Ingrid handed it over. He must have been new because she didn’t recognize him, but it was still a requirement, even if he did recognizeher, for him to scan her ID. He ran it through the system, and Ingrid could see her photo pop up on his screen. He read something there and then handed her ID back to her.
“Pull over to the side, please.”
She wasn’t on staff anymore, which meant her car would be subject to the bomb-sniffing dogs and added security. After the officers completed their check, she was given her temporary badge and permitted to drive through and park. Once parked, she was escorted by an attendant that shedidrecognize. They caught up for a minute while Ingrid checked in at a desk at the side entrance. Her ID was reviewed again, and she was then shown to a room where she was told she could sit down. Then, she was offered water. She politely declined. She wasn’t planning on being here very long.
“Her Majesty will see you now.”
Ingrid nodded and followed another staffer to an elevator, which she knew led to the private residence of the Queen. When she got to the floor, they walked down the familiar hall, but instead of turning toward Elin’s office, they continued on to the former King’s office.
“Your Majesty, Miss Ingrid Olson is here,” the staffer said after opening the door.
Ingrid walked into the office, finding pieces of Elin all over the office.
“Hi,” Elin greeted.
“Your Majesty,” Ingrid replied, taking Elin in now.
She looked gorgeous. Elin was wearing a gray-and-white dress and a pair of black flats. Her hair was down today, but it looked as if she’d run her hand through it recently.
“Ingrid, I’m glad you stopped by. Well, IhopeI’m glad, at least. Have a seat,” Elin offered.
Ingrid sat down in a very comfortable chair and said, “I like what you’ve done in here.”
“You do?” Elin asked, sitting down in the chair opposite her.
“Yes, it looks great.”
“I resisted moving in here, but it just made sense. Moving into my parents’ old bedroom, though… is a little much for me, so I’m still in my room.”
“I can understand that,” Ingrid replied.
“Can I get you something to drink or–”
“No, I’m fine,” Ingrid interjected. “I’m sorry… I cut you off. I didn’t mean to. I’m actually a little nervous, if I’m being honest.”
“Oh,” Elin uttered, looking disappointed. “You’re turning down the job again, aren’t you?”
“I am.”
“Well, I guess I appreciate you coming all the way here to tell me in person.”
“Elin, I–”
“It’s okay.” Elin nodded. “I understand. I messed up in the beginning. I never should have accepted what my father said. I should have told him that you’re my secretary and to screw the whole seniority thing. It’s my fault, and I hope you know that I wish I could’ve done things differently.”
“I don’t,” Ingrid replied.
“Oh,” Elin uttered again. “Then, I suppose you’re happy where you are, and it all worked out – which is great, and I really am happy for you, Ingrid. I want you to have everything you want.”
“I’ll ask Markus to stay on,” Elin continued to ramble as she stood up.
Elin looked at her, realizing it finally, and said, “You’re calling me Elin.”
“Yes, I am,” Ingrid replied. “Will you sit back down, please?” Ingrid motioned to the chair. “And if you’re going to be upset about me calling you by your name, maybe hold off until I explain something.”