“I’m not upset; you can call me Elin whenever you want, Ingrid. I actuallypreferit.” The woman sat back down.
“Because it’s weird when you call me ‘Your Majesty’ or ‘Ma’am,’” Elin replied.
“Why?” Ingrid asked again, feeling suddenly brave.
“I don’t know; it’s just weird.”
Ingrid smiled, looked down at her feet and then back up at Elin, who was staring out the window next to the chair.
“Hey, Elin?”
“Yeah?” Elin turned back to her.
“I can’t accept the job because it wouldn’t be appropriate.”
“Because of the old seniority rule?”
“No, because I came here to ask you out on a date.”
Elin’s eyes went wide, but she didn’t say anything.
“The reason I’m so nervous is that you’re a Queen, and I believe the protocol is thatyouhave to propose the whole… romantic…”
“You want to go out with me?” Elin asked.
“Yes, I do.” Ingrid was blushing now.
“On a date?”
“That’s the idea, Elin.”
“Gay, yes.”
“And you want–”
“Elin, yes.” Ingrid laughed.
“I’m sorry; I’m just having a problem wrapping my head around this.”
“Because I’ve wanted it for so long,” Elin replied.
Ingrid swallowed and said, “Youhave?”
“That’s probably too much, huh?”
“No.” Ingrid shook her head. “How long?”
“Since we met?”
Ingrid couldn’t hold back her smile.
“You didn’t say anything.”