Page 142 of Appointing

“I didn’t know what else to do.”

“I’m not upset, Elin,” Ingrid replied.

“Okay. It feels like things are off with us, Ingrid, and I hate it. That night was… And I–” Elin stopped and looked down at her hands. “You don’t have to say it back, you know? I think that night, and the morning when I woke up, it scared me that you didn’t say it because we’re finally together. And I was so terrified that I’d messed it up.”

“Elin, you didn’t mess anything up.”

“But I understand now that I’ve been in this for a lot longer than you, so I’m just ahead, I think. And that’s okay. Idolove you; I won’t take it back because I’d be lying. But I know you’re not there yet, and I can wait. I’m okay with us being together without the world knowing for as long as you need. I am going to come out publicly after the ceremony, though. If anyone asks, Markus is going to spin whether or not I’m with someone because I don’t want to lie, but I won’t put you in a position you’re not ready for.”


“Yeah?” Elin looked over at her with those perfect eyes.

“Can I please have a seat at the ceremony?” Ingrid asked.

Elin’s lips parted, and Ingrid watched as she swallowed.

“You mean the–” Elin bit her lower lip. “You want a real seat or one in the back or–”

“I’d like a seat with the royal family, if that’s possible, but I’d settle for sitting anywhere in the cathedral.”

“If you sit with the family, people–”

“Will wonder who I am, yes,” Ingrid finished the sentence, taking Elin’s hand in her own. “And I’d like to tell them that I’m with you.”

“With me? Like, you… You’rewithme?”

“Yes, Elin.” Ingrid laughed a little at how cute Elin was sometimes.

“That would mean we come out as an official couple.”

“Yes, I know.”

“There are steps and rules and–”

“I know,” Ingrid repeated.

“But, Ingrid, when you do this – when you tell people as a Queen that you’re with someone – the people will think–”

“That we’re in love and that one day…” Ingrid moved a little closer to Elin. “You’ll propose to me.”

Elin’s cheeks blushed, and she said, “Well, I’m the Queen – I technically have to – but youdidask me out, so you could… I mean, if you wanted to do that one day… with me.”

Ingrid leaned forward, pressing her forehead to Elin’s, and whispered, “I love you.”

Elin didn’t say anything.

“I loveallof you, Elin,” Ingrid added. “I know what I’m saying; what I’m committing to. I was scared to, for a while, because I wasn’t sure Icouldcommit to it all, but I know I can now. If we end up taking that step together one day, I’d be your Queen Consort. I’d be involved again.”

“Yes, you would,” Elin replied. “You love me?”

“Yes, sweetheart,” Ingrid said. “I love you.”

“And you want to be at the ceremony, sitting next to Mari?”

“If you’ll still have me,” Ingrid said.

“I always wanted you there. I just didn’t thinkyou’dwant it,” Elin replied.