Page 141 of Appointing

Elin walked into the room, kissing Ingrid quickly on the lips, and Ingrid closed the door behind her.

“I made some tea, but I also have wine,” Ingrid replied.

“Where’s Sarah tonight?” Elin asked.

“The restaurant,” Ingrid replied. “You can stay over, in fact, because Sarah is staying over at someone else’s place tonight.”

“She is?”

“She packed a bag this morning and everything. The place is ours all night. She’s staying with a friend.”

“Oh, I wish I would have known. I would’ve told her not to bother. I can’t stay tonight,” Elin replied.

Ingrid sat down on the sofa and said, “You can’t? I thought–”

“I have an early meeting with the humanitarian organization my mother is patron of. I’m taking over for her now that she and my father are stepping out of the public eye. I guess I could try to reschedule it… It’s just the only time they could meet this week, and it’s at seven in the morning, so I need to be ready by–”

“No, I understand,” Ingrid replied, interrupting her.

Elin sat down next to her and said, “We can still have dinner and have some time together. I’m just exhausted and need to get some sleep tonight, too.”

“Right.” Ingrid forced a smile.

“I hope you take that as a compliment,” Elin told her.

“I’m supposed to take younotstaying over as a compliment?”

“Yes,” Elin replied, scooting closer to her on the sofa. “It means: I don’t think I can keep my hands off of you, and I need some sleep.”

“So, it’s better for us to sleep separately?”

“I’m sorry. It’s been busy and–”

“I just want to fall asleep next to you, Elin,” Ingrid admitted.

“I want that, too,” Elin replied. “Do you want to come to the palace? I can have a car take you to work in the morning, if you want.”

“That might look a little suspicious, me showing up in a palace-issued car.”

“They have other cars. I can even ask Markus to take you in his. I’m sure he’d be fine with it.”

“Do you really want me there?” Ingrid asked.

“At the palace?”

“With you; wherever you are.”

Elin squinted at her in confusion and said, “Ingrid, Ialwayswant you to be wherever I am.”

“Okay.” Ingrid gave her a small nod.

“This is about the other night, isn’t it?” Elin asked.

“What other night?”

“The best night of my entire life,” Elin said, wrapping her arm over the top of the sofa. “I had to go to work and left you in bed.”

“With a note,” Ingrid added.