Page 114 of Appointing

“It’s important, Ma’am.”

“You just scared Lillian; you know? She just got thrown into this, too. Sheknowsit’s going to fall to her after me. That’s already a lot. You don’t have to frighten her into getting married and having children so that Mari and Erik don’t end up running two countries like it used to be.”

“Well, there’s a clause in the paperwork that I would need you to review, Your Majesty. It talks about your own children. Obviously, should you have them, they’d inherit.”

“Fine,” she agreed because it was easier than arguing about something that would never happen.


“But what?”

“Ma’am, it’s just that should your future… spouse–”

“Wife,” she corrected.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Markus replied, looking down. “Shouldshehave them, her biological children wouldnotinherit. The line would go to Princess Lillian.”

Elin hadn’t expected that. She seethed beneath the surface but did her best to keep her composure when she really wanted to throttle someone.

“I’m aware you are just the messenger here, Markus, but as sovereign,Iwill be the one determining who will take over for me when I’m gone.”

“Parliament and–”

Elin leaned forward and said, “I dare Parliament to try to prevent me from naming my successor – I’ll do so publiclyandwith fanfare, Markus. You can tell them that. Let them try to deny whomever I namethen– it won’t go well.”

“Ma’am, it’s–”

“Leave me the papers to review. I’m going to go over them in great detail and many times, Markus. There better not be anything in there I’m not expecting, or I’ll be having a conversation with our Prime Minister and Parliament.”

“Ma’am,” Markus said, placing the portfolio on the table between them.

“Markus, tell me now: doyouhave a problem with me being gay?”

“No, Ma’am,” he replied, sounding sincere.

“That’ll be all, then,” she said.


“Have I mentioned that I like your bedroom?” Elin asked.

Elin was lying on Ingrid’s chest in her bed, and Ingrid’s arm was around her, playing with Elin’s hair as they both stared at the ceiling.

“No, but I doubt that’s true; it’s pretty standard. I have one picture on the wall, and I bought it at a cheap store down the street.”

“But it’s a pretty flower,” Elin said, snuggling in closer and running her fingertips over Ingrid’s stomach.

“It’s an orchid,” Ingrid replied, laughing a little at her. “I can’t keep a real orchid alive, so I bought that.”

“Why not?”

“I forget to water plants. Sarah Anne has forbidden me from having any in the apartment since I’ve basically killed a bunch through my neglect,” Ingrid explained. “Probably a good thing I don’t want to have kids, huh? I don’t think you water them specifically, but there’s this whole feeding thing and then getting them off to school that I’m not sure I could handle.”

“I think you also have to give them water, though, Ingrid. It’s just in a cup,” Elin teased.

Ingrid smiled and said, “So… you’re staying over tonight.”

“Is that still okay?” Elin asked.