Page 115 of Appointing

“Yes, it’s very okay,” Ingrid said, kissing her forehead. “Where’s security, though?”

“They told me they’d be okay,” Elin replied, shrugging. “I think they’re just working in shifts in the hallway.”

“I bet my neighbors will be happy to have to show their IDs when they want to come and go.”

“Should I leave?” Elin asked, sitting up a little. “I don’t want to cause them–”

“Lie back down,” Ingrid told her, pulling Elin playfully back where she was, on her chest. “You’re staying. They can deal with it for the night.”

Elin laughed but cuddled back against Ingrid.

“It can’t be a regular thing, though,” Ingrid added a second later. “Or they’ll get suspicious. They’ll start talking and asking questions.”

“Well, you could always come back to work for the palace. We’d at least have an excuse to be seen together,” Elin replied.


“I was kidding. Well, I washalf-kidding.”

“Tell me,” Ingrid requested softly.

“I think I have to let Markus go,” Elin said.


“He’s still talking to other people about what Ishoulddo instead of talking to me about it, and his advice is usually the opposite of what I want to do or what I think is actually right. My monarchy will be different from my father’s, and I don’t think he understands that.”

“You know I can’t actually–”

“I know.” Elin laughed a little. “It was just wishful thinking.”

“Well, I can’t be yourofficialsecretary anymore, but Icanadvise you in a different capacity.”

“Yeah? What’s that?”

“As your girlfriend, Elin,” Ingrid replied.

Elin didn’t say anything for a long moment, so Ingrid worried she’d spoken out of turn.

“I can both feelandhear your heart racing right now,” Elin spoke finally.

“I just asked the Queen to be my girlfriend,” Ingrid replied. “And she hasn’t exactly responded positively yet, so I’m kind of scared I might have spoken too soon.”

Elin looked up at her and said, “You know I don’t want anyone else.”

“I know. But I thought we should have the title, too.” Ingrid ran her hand through Elin’s hair.

Elin closed her eyes for a second and said, “I’d really like that.”

“You would?”

“You know this means that someday – and probably, soon – I’ll introduce you to the country, right?”

“Yes, I understand.”

“And you’re really sure, Ingrid? You’re sure you want this and everything that comes with it? I mean, I’m lying in bed with you, and weshouldbe thinking about watching a movie or something, but we’re talking about my private secretary and the country.”

“I’ll happily watch a movie with youortalk about the monarchy, Elin. I’ve told you before, and I mean it: I wantallof you.” Ingrid heard the front door opening and added, “Sarah’s home.”