Page 134 of Appointing


“Hey, you’re home finally,” Sarah Anne said. “Taste this.” She held a spoon with a red-colored sauce of some kind immediately up to Ingrid’s mouth.

“Sarah, I just walked through the door,” Ingrid said, moving around the offered spoon.

“You were supposed to be home an hour ago.”

“I know. I had to stay late.”


“Because it’s work. You’ve stayed late at the restaurant how many times?” Ingrid dropped her purse and laptop bag onto the sofa and flopped down next to them.

“Damn.You’rein a bad mood,” Sarah noted, turning off the stove and covering the pot with the lid. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Ingrid lied.

“Well, that’s dumb of you. I’m your sister; you can’t lie to me, Ingrid,” she replied, sitting down next to Ingrid. “What’s going on? You’ve been on cloud nine lately. Let me guess: you miss Elin. She’s only been gone for a day, Ingrid. She’s a Queen. You’re going to have to get used to her traveling a lot while you guys are dating. I don’t know how it works if you get engaged or married… Do you always travel with her then? I think so, right?”

“Sarah, we’re not getting married,” Ingrid replied.

“Not tonight. And maybe not ever, if you keep that scowl on your face and get wrinkles too soon,” she teased.

Ingrid rolled her eyes.

“Hey, what’s wrong? For real, Ingrid. Tell me.”

“You know I was at the palace the night before last night.” Ingrid turned to see that the TV was on mute in front of her.

“Oh, there she is,” Sarah said.

On the screen, Elin was shaking hands with someone who was likely important, but Ingrid didn’t recognize him. She knew most people Elin worked with before she left the palace, but the event in St. Rais had been hosted by Palmer and Elizabeth, so it could have been someone from their country or somewhere else entirely. The event must have been covered by the news because they were focusing on Palmer and Elizabeth dancing now.

“Oh, look at Elin,” Sarah said, pointing.

Elin was sitting at one of the round tables nearest the dance floor. Ingrid could barely tell it was her at first, until the camera moved a little closer. Then, she could see Elin’s face more.

“She looks sad, Ingrid,” Sarah told her.

And she did; Elin looked sad as she watched couples dance from her seated position.

“Yeah, she does,” Ingrid replied softly.

“She’s probably thinking about you and wishing you were there with her so that you two could dance together. When is she getting back?”

“She’s back now. Her flight landed about an hour ago.”

“Why are youhere, then?”

“Because we don’t have to spend every moment together, Sarah.”

“Could have fooled me,” Sarah Anne replied, moving to stand. “You know, you don’t have to bite my head off because I’m asking questions about your new relationship with theQueen of Norway, Ingrid.”

“I know. I’m sorry,” Ingrid replied, sighing. “I’m just in a mood.”

“But why? Did Elin say or do something or–”

“You were at work when I went to bed last night, so we didn’t talk. Can you sit back down for a minute?”