“You did? That’s great, Elin.”
“Well, itwasgreat until she didn’t say it back.”
“She didn’t?”
“No,” Elin replied, shaking her head. “Maybe I just caught her off guard or something. I mean, we were… we’d just…” She blushed.
“And you said it right after…” Elizabeth blushed as well.
“Oh,” Palmer said. “Nice.”
“Palmer,” Elizabeth said through her laughter. “Maybe she’s just not ready to say it yet. That happens. You’ve been in love with her for some time now. She probably just needs to catch up.”
“Yeah, you said it was between, right?” Palmer checked. “So, it sounds like she wanted to keep doing what you were doing.”
“She did. I mean, that part was…” Elin’s eyes went toward the ornate ceiling.
“Yeah?” Palmer asked, leaning forward in her chair. “That good?”
“I remember you telling me once,” Elin began to Elizabeth, “that it’s just better when it’s with the one you’re supposed to be with.”
“You said that?” Palmer asked, smiling at her wife.
“Yes, I told her that years ago,” Elizabeth replied.
“Wait… How long ago? Like, when you were with Teagan or–”
“Palmer, shut up.” Elizabeth laughed again. “I was talking about you.”
“Oh, good,” Palmer replied, leaning back in her chair.
“Anyway, itisbetter,” Elin said. “It’s pretty much everything.”
“Yeah,” Palmer said, sounding wistful.
Elizabeth turned to her wife, winked, and then turned back to Elin.
“Just give her time, Elin. I’m sure she’s nearly there, if she’s not there already.”
“Yeah. I mean, think about it: it’s a lot, Elin,” Palmer said.
“What is? Saying she loves me?”
“Just all of it. I married a Queen. There’s a lot going on in your head when you first get together with one. I’ve never had one single regret, and I never will – I love my life with Elizabeth and our kids – but itdidmean that I had to give up part of my life before. Maybe Ingrid is just finally realizing how very real it all is, and she needs some time.”
“Do you think she’ll decide it’s not worth it? Being with me means she could be a royal one day. It’s not something that I think most people would like.”
“I think Ingrid is crazy about you,” Elizabeth replied. “I saw it when we were at Balmoral. Just give her some time.”
“Yeah, it’s there, Elin,” Palmer added, standing up. “Just keep talking, okay? That’s important: always talk to each other.”
“It’s hard when I’m here, and she’s there.”
“Then, you need to go public and bring her along next time.” Palmer reached out for Elizabeth’s hand, which Elizabeth took and then stood up as well. “There’s nothing quite like dancing with the love of your life to a slow song at one of these things.”
Elin said her temporary goodbyes to them as they walked off together, hand in hand. She made her way to the guest room, where she got ready by herself, choosing not to bring dressers with her since that would be excessive. She joined everyone back downstairs later, and they took cars to the palace where the event was being held. She talked, socialized, and ate her delicious meal. When the dancing started, she watched as Victoria danced with her husband and Elizabeth and Palmer danced with each other; sometimes, laughing, and other times, holding one another so close that it made Elin wish she’d brought Ingrid. She wanted badly to walk Ingrid onto the dance floor, kiss her sweetly, whisper that she loved her, and slow-dance.