Daisy looked at him. “Others?”

Nodding, he said, “We got your brother. And Pete.”

Her eyes widened. “You have my brother?” Darkness washed over her expression. “I want to see him.”

“Babe, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

“I. Want. To. See. Him.”

“The lady wants to see him,” Oscar said with an amused grin.

Moose sighed. “All right.”

“Pete’s got an open warrant on him, so Darius will bring him to the station. We can take her brother to our office. Plenty of privacy to chat with him there and decide what we want to do with him.”

Worked for him. “Good plan.”

“Ricky’s car is out there,” Daisy said. “What should we do with it?”

“Why don’t you drive it to our office, Moose? We’ll take care of it from there.”

Moose nodded at Oscar. In a few short hours, these men had become his brothers for life. He couldn’t have asked for a better team of guys to help rescue Daisy and take care of the shit he’d been too stressed to think about. Anytime they needed help, Moose would be first in line to lend a hand. He’d also make sure Cutter got the most expensive bottle of Scotch he could find as a thank-you for calling them in.

The prez had been right. Moose would have tried to take this on himself as he did everything, and shit would have hit the fan.

Maybe all people didn’t suck and having someone at his back could be a good thing at times.

Just like having a woman at his side could be the most amazing feeling in the world if she was the right woman.

And Daisy was.


DAISY HELD MOOSE’S hand the entire car ride to Oscar and Darius’ office. So many thoughts ran circles in her mind.

What would they do to Ricky?

Would anyone get in trouble?

Would Moose stick around for a few days or take off immediately?

The only things she was certain of were that they’d both survived and were sitting in the car together. For however long she had Moose, Daisy would cling to him.

“When we’re done here, you should go to the hospital,” she said, staring at the stark white bandage on his temple. She reminded him how incredibly close he’d come to death.

Moose grunted. “Not happening.”

“How did I know you’d say that?”

He lifted their joined hands and kissed hers before flashing her a grin. “Because you know me well.”

“How is that possible?”

He glanced at her before focusing on the road again. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, I feel it too. Like I know you, and you know me. But Moose, we just met. How could we possibly know each other?”

“Sweetheart, I’ve made it my mission to keep people at a distance, but I didn’t stand a chance against you. You’re sweet, kind, intelligent, caring, and so damn beautiful I want to stare at you all day. You blew through all my defenses without even trying.”


“Time doesn’t matter. You matter, I matter, and what we have matters. We clicked, Daisy, and I’ve never clicked with another person in my life. I refuse to question it. I don’t need to wait around another six months to confirm what I already know.

Her heart skipped a beat. “Moose, what are you saying?”

He made a turn and then pulled into a parking spot. “We’re here.”

Daisy blinked and looked out the windshield in time to see Oscar escorting her brother into the building. He had his hands bound behind his back and a bruise on his neck but seemed to be doing well otherwise.

“What are you going to do with him?” Daisy asked as Ricky met her gaze. He stopped walking and stared at her through the windshield.

“Haven’t decided yet. I want you to have a say. Wouldn’t be fair for me to decide his fate on my own.”

Oscar yanked Ricky’s arm, and he started walking again.

Daisy faced Moose. “Thank you.”

He stroked her injured cheek. “I’m sorry it worked out this way.”

She cupped her hand over his, pressing it to her face. “I’m not.” Then she climbed out of Ricky’s crappy car and followed Oscar into the building. They owned a bounty-hunting business in a small strip mall on the outskirts of town. She’d heard of this place in passing but never had reason to be affiliated with it until now.

A man sat behind a desk when she first walked in. He was a big guy, not Moose big, but big enough with a bald head and a dragon tattoo on his scalp. If she’d met him any other time, she’d have been terrified, but she ran through her quota of fear for the day and barely felt a flicker of intimidation at his daunting presence.

“Hey, I’m Joe. You must be Daisy, and I’m guessing the big brute scowling at me is Moose.”

She glanced over her shoulder to find Moose glaring daggers at Joe. “He is,” she said with a chuckle.