Moose blew out a breath and tilted his head. His neck cracked, and the sound rang through the quiet neighborhood.

Come on, Darius.

What the fuck was taking him so long?

What suffering was Daisy being forced to endure?

If Darius took much longer, Moose would bust in there on his own, damn the risk to himself. He was crawling out of his skin, waiting and worrying.

“Good to go.” Darius’ voice crackled in his ear.

Thank fuck.

“Get in breach position,” Moose ordered. He moved in, crept up the three steps to the front door, and waited for Oscar to do the same. Oscar positioned himself next to the door, rifle ready should anyone exit, while Moose stood directly in front of the door.

“Set,” Darius said.

“On my go,” Moose said. “Three… two… one… go.” He lifted his foot and thrust, kicking his size twelve boot right next to the doorknob. The wood cracked, and splinters streaked through the air, biting into his skin as the door flew open. It crashed against the wall with a booming smack.

“The fuck?” Buster jerked away from Daisy and lifted his hands.

All it took was one glance at her tear-stained face for Moose’s decision to be made. Two taps of his finger on the trigger, and Buster crumbled to the floor in a heap.

“Clear!” Darius shouted from the kitchen.

“Clear!” Oscar called as he disappeared down the hall.

“Moose!” Daisy screamed. She launched herself at him with no regard for the assault weapon he held. He dropped the gun and opened his arms, catching her midleap. She wound around him like a spider monkey, squeezing so hard she stole his breath.

“You’re alive,” she repeated over and over while sobbing. “I thought he killed you. I thought—”

“Shh, shh, shh… I got you, baby. I’m okay.” He walked to the couch and sat with her on his lap. Darius and Oscar cleared the house while he tended to his woman. “I’m okay, baby, but I need to check you out, okay?”

She nodded into the crook of his neck. “Okay.”

Gently as possible, he pried her off him. “Did he hurt you?”

Her eyes widened as she took in the bandage on the side of his head. “Oh my God,” she whispered. She reached for it but, at the last second, pulled her hand back. “Is that where he shot you?”

He cupped her face. “It is, Daisy, but I’m okay. I swear. It dug a chunk out of my scalp and scrambled my brain for a bit, but that’s it. I’m fine.”

“If it’d been half an inch over…”

He kissed her. “But it wasn’t,” he whispered against her lips. “I’m here. I need to make sure you are okay too. Please let me check you over.”

She grabbed his wrists near her face as she nodded. “I’m all right.”

“Did he hurt you?”

“He touched me over my clothes and was about to—” Her voice hitched, and she shook her head. “But he didn’t get the chance because you rode in on your white horse.” She kissed him, then wrapped her arms around him again. “I thought I’d never see you again. I was so scared.”

She hadn’t even mentioned being scared for herself. At some point, she’d need to process that as well, but for now, he was happy to let her rejoice in their reunion.

“Gonna take more than a bullet to the head to take me away from you.”

She barked out a laugh. “Oh my God. That should not be funny. I think I’m losing my mind.”

“Nah, a little dark humor is normal in these types of situations.” Christ, she felt so damn good in his arms. If he had his way, she’d never leave.

“Hey, boss?” Oscar stood near the front door. “Hate interrupting, but we shouldn’t stick around, and we have a few decisions to make.”

Like what to do with the body being the main one.

Daisy released him. She stared at Buster’s body on the floor. Just as Moose was about to suggest she go outside, she stood and walked to their victim. He hadn’t died yet, but with a gut wound, it wouldn’t take long. When she reached the bloody man, she crouched down and whispered something to him. Then she stood. “Will you get in trouble for this?” she asked, worry clear in her expression. She turned to Oscar. “Will any of you get in trouble?”

“No, ma’am. I’m Oscar, by the way. My brother over there is Darius.” He tilted his head toward the hall where Darius stood.

“Thank you for helping Moose. Thank you for helping me.”

“Our pleasure, ma’am. As for your question, we got a guy who’ll clean this up and make it look any way we want. He’s ten minutes out.”

Damn, these men had been sent from heaven. Moose hadn’t thought about the repercussions of killing Buster—he’d only cared about ending the fucker’s life.

“What do you want to do with the others,” Darius asked.