Mom gave Ben a curt nod and walked away.

I shook as I stared after her.

She’ll turn and wave.

She’ll turn….

I bobbed my head and stumbled. Ben reached out and steadied me.No matter how good she raised me, she must think I turned out just like Nora. Does she regret adopting me? Will I lose Dad, too?

I dipped my chin to my chest.

“Nadia. We need to go,” Ben said in a gentle tone.

I nodded a few times and followed him. But I couldn’t help turning my head to look over my shoulder. Even when we reached the car, I looked out for Mom, waiting for her to wave.Please, Mom, don’t be disappointed in me.But she didn’t look back and my heart cracked. There was now a fissure in there that wouldn’t heal.Please understand, Mom. Please never stop loving me, because if that happens, I’m lost….

Ben drove on and I sucked in air to fill the hollow in my chest as hot tears slipped down my cheek. I gulped to try to calm myself as my heart raced.What if she tells Dad? Will he stop loving me?

Buzz.I ignored my phone, but it kept vibrating. I glanced at it.

Paul: I’ll fix things with your parents. Please trust me.

Ben must’ve texted him. But how could he fix it?

Buzz.Another message came through, this time from Nicole, Paul’s assistant.

Nicole: Gunnar will be there to meet you and Ben.

Who’s Gunnar?

Itried to block my worries for the rest of the ride. Ben distracted me by asking me for directions. Something we both knew he didn’t need, but before I knew it we were at the airport.

It didn’t take long to identify Gunnar among the few people standing on the tarmac. His style was like Paul’s on his casual days: designer suit, shirt, and sneakers. Though his hair was pale blond instead of black, he had the Cranes’ blue eyes and the laser gaze that came with it. When they zeroed in, it was like being examined under a microscope. Intimidating.

He left the group and approached me with an outstretched hand. “So, you’re Nadia.”

I shook his hand. “And you’re Gunnar.” My voice was hesitant because I only read his name, and I wasn’t sure if I pronounced it with a hard ‘R.’

“That’s right,” he said with a bright smile. “I’m Paul’s cousin and lawyer. And now I understand why Paul took a layer off the ozone to get you to LA.”

My face warmed.The infamous LA trip.Paul ripped the front of my shirt and buried his face between my breasts.And when he got me alone, he was insatiable, fucking me for hours.“Uh, thank you. Nice to meet you.”

His lips spread into a smile. “Nice? Now I’m sure Paul hasn’t mentioned me at all. Shall we?” He gestured toward the plane.

Ben came up swinging the Great Harvest bread bag.

I laughed and poked his arm playfully. “I thought I told you not to.”

Ben grinned. “I know, but you really wanted it, and you never ask for anything.” He stepped between Gunnar and me. “We should board the plane. Gunnar.”

Gunnar’s smile broadened. “Ben definitely knows me.”

I didn’t know what to make of it, but I followed Ben onto the plane. He sat with me during takeoff but then moved up to the pilot’s cabin. That was when Gunnar came over and sat next to me.

“I hadn’t known we were detouring to Wisconsin until this morning.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know until last night. I hope I didn’t delay or interrupt your schedule.”

“How sweet. No, I was surprised, but not bothered. I like Wisconsin. I’ve been to a State Fair or two.”