Dad’s eyes blinked open, and I put on a broad smile for him. Mom went to his side and kissed his forehead, then picked up a cloth to wipe his sweat. “How are you feeling?”

“Like a truck ran me over.” He let out a dry laugh. “I’m okay, angel.”

I kissed his cheek and took his hand. “Do you need anything?”

“Just my best girls. Wow, you look like a star all dressed up.”

I shrugged. “Just a dress.”

“You love it.”

“I do.” I grinned.

“You’re leaving today?”

I nodded. “But if you need me, maybe I can stay—”

“No. All you’d be doing is watching me sleep. You’re doing so well at college. I don’t want to mess that up. Trust me, I’m fine.” Dad tried to assure me in a tone like it wasn’t a big deal, but I knew better.

Mom placed her hand on my back. “Dad won’t be alone, Nadia. Uncle Jan and Aunt Olivia are coming later. I’m doing a shift, so you know I’ll come back again.”

“See? I’ll be fine. The nurses will put me back to sleep when you leave, anyway. So what did you two do without me?” Dad just wanted us to go back to normal, and we followed his lead. Mom and I sat on chairs near his bed and shared about our walk through the park and watchingStranger Things. Dad smiled like he could listen to us all day, and I could do the same for him. He was the piece that completed us.

I gazed at him, and Dad’s eyes filled with the love and acceptance I’d come to expect. And I in turn gave him back the look I always gave him. The one that believed he was the all-powerful hero that was the best in the world.

“I love you,” I whispered.

He smiled. “I know. I take it you’re back with Crane?” Dad changed the subject.

Mom snorted. “No, she’s not. They broke up, andIbelieve it’s for the best.”

I frowned at her.

Dad raised his brows at Mom. “You’ve sure changed your tune, Agata. I feel like I’m missing something—”

“Nothing for you to worry about, Dad,” I rushed and took his hand again. “I’ll go back to school, but I’m not done checking on you. We’ll talk soon.”

Relief filled his eyes, and he settled back on the bed. Mom touched my arm to let me know I’d done right.

A nurse appeared and told us we had to go.

I kissed my dad’s forehead and awkwardly hugged his head. He let out a chuckle. My heart filled up, and my eyes stung.How in the world did I get so lucky to have you?“I love you. Don’t worry about anything. It’s going to be fine. Get some rest.”

“I love you too, Princess.”

“I’ll be in during my lunch.” Mom kissed him.

We walked out of the ICU together.

“Mom, I talked to Paul, and he agreed to compromise—”

“Stop.” She held up her hand. “No more, Nadia. I’ll never accept a man who hurt my daughter, and neither will your dad. I expect you to stick with your plan. Move out, find a job, and try to enjoy your college years. That’s all your dad and I want. We love you and are grateful, but we don’t want any more help from you. Please stop worrying about us.”

I lifted my head and stared at her. She hadn’t covered the puffy, dark circles under her eyes. There were also more wrinkles and gray hairs around her hairline. Mom was only in her early fifties, but she was growing older well before her time.She’ll work herself into an early grave, andDad will die without proper care.

“Hello, Mrs. Sokol, Nadia.” Ben came up to where we stood.

“I love you, Mom.” I hugged her tight but gave her no reassurances—something I’d never done before.