Page 13 of Deny Thy Name

He sighed, looking above for strength to get through our conversation I was guessing. “And why would you need sanctuary this time?”

“I do things that require it from time to time as you well know.”

“Such as attending your father’s nemesis’ party?”

How the hell?

“Well, look at you with all the facts.”

“Stay here,” he said. “I have things to discuss with you. For now, I need to make sure my ushers haven’t burned down the rectory.”

I stayed in my seat, waiting for him to return. The doors to the church opened and closed. I turned around to see a woman I recognised as being one of Caldwell's maids coming down the aisle toward me.

“The Father won’t be long,” I told her. This church was used by everyone in the city. It had two doors, since it sat on the city line our families had drawn all those decades ago. One set was used by our side and the other set was used by the Caldwell’s.

“I have not come for him,” she said with purpose. “I wish to speak with you.”

“Me?” I repeated. “Are you sure?”

“I am, Mr Moreno.”

“Oh fuck, don’t call me that,” I said. “Who are you?”

“That doesn’t need to be said right now. I have come on behalf of my mistress. Stay away from Jolie.”

I felt the smirk creep up on my face before I could stop it. “She asked you to say this to me?”

“No, but she is young and does not understand the ways of the city. She’s just returned from school and although she is considered an adult, she has prospects that do not need to be sullied by the likes of you.”

I knew what that meant. Her family wanted to use her to gain finances. Old man Caldwell really was going broke. The rumors for once were true.

“I think she can make up her own mind,” I told her. “I understand you’re trying to protect her, but no one tells me what to do.”

The woman was steamed, I could see her cheeks turning a bright red. “My mistress deserves the very best and you cannot give her that.”

“I appreciate where you’re coming from, lady,” I told her with the patience I didn’t know I had. “But you have no say in who I go after.”

It looked like she wanted to slap me but thought better of it. She turned on her heel and stormed out, disappearing out the Caldwell doors again.

Enzo returned, his gaze looking at me with contempt. “Please tell me you are not pursuing the young Jolie now.”

“It’s not really anyone’s business what I do with my cock, is it?”

“Was it not enough with Rose, my son?” he asked me. “This will be the end of this city. You are playing with fire.”

“As always, Enzo, it’s nice to see you.”

I turned away from him and headed for the Moreno doors and exited the one place I had always sought as refuge. He’d never been happy with my fling with Rose. He’d told me about it every time I went there, but he knew I wasn’t going to stop any time soon. He may be right, this obsession I have with Jolie may be the end of it all but fuck me it was going to be worth it.

I got in my car and headed for the beach to join Gunnar and Bennett.


“You what?” I all but spat my juice out as Natasha relayed what she had done. “You don’t have any right to speak on my behalf, especially when I confide in that person about the things I do. Your loyalty should be to me.”

“I am doing this to save you, child.”

“I am not a child,” I spat at her. “You had no right, but I guess it’s time for me to stop relying on my father’s employees for their loyalty. Get away from me.”