Page 14 of Deny Thy Name


“No,” I cut her off and stood up from the table. “If you won’t go, I will.”

I moved away from her, and headed back to my room. Pacing the floor, I tried to blow off steam but it wasn’t working. I grabbed my hair tie and quickly pulled my hair up in a messy bun before I grabbed my cards and put them in the back pocket of my shorts before I headed down the stairs to the garage.

Looking through the cars my father had amassed over the years, I picked the perfect car to steal. I headed over to the keybox and grabbed the right keys and headed over to the bright yellow lamborghini and got in. As I heard the engine purr to life, I smiled as the attendants ran over to stop me. As they got to the car, I took off down the driveway and into the city. As I drove through our side of the city, I knew everything was different. Even the mall had changed. It was one of the shared buildings in the city. Both sides could shop there and no incidents tended to occur there.

The other place was the church. No one dared to sully that place with their violence. I pulled into the mall underground carpark and headed into the bright lights of the place. People milled about and paid me no attention. I loved to be able to fall into a crowd where no one cared who I was. That was one thing that never happened at St Augustine’s. I’d been targeted from day one. Four years of hell had turned me into a malicious bitch, but I didn’t hate my father for sending me there. In fact, it was the one thing I could thank him for.

I moved into the lingerie shop and looked around at the lacy garments on display. The woman behind the counter realized who I was and straightened, looking down at her counter before I looked over at her.

I grabbed as much as I could and headed over to the counter. She looked down at the pile and up at me.

“Did you not want to try them on?”

“No,” I told her. “I know what I like.”

She nodded quickly, hoping I wouldn’t make trouble for her but she needn’t worry. I wasn’t Rose and I also had no intention of causing a scene today. I was blowing off steam. The one person I thought I could rely on while I was back was working for my father.

I’d have to do this alone.

I grabbed the bag once she ran the card through the reader and headed out of the store. I could feel someone watching me. Something inside of me hoped like hell it was Roman but I doubted he hung out in malls. I continued walking through the mall but the feeling didn’t dissipate, in fact, I caught sight of two men following me in the reflection of the shop windows next to me. I didn’t recognize them so they had to belong to the Moreno’s.

Heading down a corridor I knew led to a deadend, I waited for them to follow. I waited by the emergency door that led into the carpark. Once they turned the corner and realized I was standing there, waiting for them, they both shared a look and tried to make a move to leave.

“Come on now, you’ve been following me for god knows how long, why don’t you just tell me what you want?” I asked them. They hesitated.

“You need to come with us,” one of them said.

“I’m going to pass on that, thanks, now off you toddle.”

The other one stepped a little closer. “Look, if we don’t bring you to our boss, we’ll have our asses handed to us.”

“And who’s fault would that be?” I asked. “Look, you can try but it’s not going to go your way.”

The one who spoke first scoffed. “Enough of this, Bram.”

“Vince, no-”

Vince grabbed my arm hard and tried to pull me with him. I dropped my bags and chopped my free hand down on his forearm, near his elbow. He yelped in pain, releasing me immediately. Bram came for me this time but before he could grab me, I kicked him in the nuts. He fell to his knees, his hands going to his crown jewels immediately, unable to speak. Vince seemed to have recovered.

He was angry now as he came at me. I spun around and delivered a high kick to the side of his face. He fell to the ground with a grunt. I kicked him in the nuts as well, for good measure, before I grabbed my bags again and stepped over their writhing, groaning bodies and headed to my car.

Roman may want me, and I wanted him too, but he was going to have to do better than that.

No one told me what to do.


My phone dinged.

Instantly, I knew it wasn’t going to be something I wanted to read. I had been expecting Vince and Bram to bring Jolie to me, but it had been hours now. Surely it couldn’t take that long.

She wanted me.

I knew she did.

V: Sorry, boss. She got away.