Page 80 of Calming the Storm

"You're supposed to be dating me now, James,” she stated, and my eyes went wide.

She was the one he was cheating on me with?

"Erica...I'm not into you and you know it. I tried...not because I wanted to. You told Master you were interested in me. In return for getting the chance to date me, you agreed to continue working as a double agent after Storm's death."

FUCK! She's a double agent...and wait, she forced James to date her?! He...he didn't do it on purpose?

"You fucked me, James."

"No, YOU tied me to a fucking bed and rode me like a fucking drunk bitch, you sadistic hoe. You know damn well what position I'm in! You know I have to serve White Eyes, and you decided to take advantage of that. I lost the one woman I actually gave a fuck about because she thought I was cheating on her with YOU. A fabricated lie I had to go with because Master told me so!" he yelled.

Erica was silent, glancing over to see my stunned expression.

"Your temper tantrums are a pain in the ass. No wonder people say you're bipolar."

"I'm not fucking bipolar, Erica. Now I'll only say this once. Don't hurt my Crimson,” he declared.

"She's dating six other men who all think you're a criminal, yet you say I shouldn't hurt her? You know she's the key to all of this, right? She can't get the final crystal and you know it. We're going to have to kill her eventually," Erica disclosed, her voice like venom and filled with hate.

"She doesn't deserve to die."

"Neither did Storm, but you were fine with killing her," Erica countered.

"That wasn't...fuck, Erica! How many fucking times do I need to say it?! You of all people know I can't do shit. I shouldn't even be on the phone with you right now, yet here I am, wasting time. I'm a fucking puppet, and until I'm set free, I can't do anything! White Eyes told me to kill Storm. You know exactly why. He wants everything, and she was in the way of his goal of domination."

"You should have fought it."

"I couldn't...and honestly...for the sake of protecting Crim- son, I would have done it again," he whispered.

Erica bit her lip hard and clenched the phone with her trembling hand.

"A woman who's moved on. A woman who now despises you and will never love you again. A woman who will one day drive a sword into your chest, the same way you did to Storm...yet, you're able to defend to love her." Erica's voice cracked as tears spilled down her cheeks.

Her Storm...

"You know why everyone loves Crimson? She's beautiful...just like the cherry blossoms we watch in awe when they bloom each year. Her heart is pure like water, even when the world dumps trash into it and tries to taint her view on life. She's full of energy, working harder than any person I've ever met, even when everyone tries to bring her down. She loved me...even when I treated her like a weed when she was really a beautiful rose waiting to blossom. You know what love is, Erica. You've experienced it. I may be a puppet, and she may never forgive me...or love me again, but that's something I'm willing to deal with. When I die, I'll know she'll have real men to take care of her, who weren't pathetic like me. At least she will be loved."

I couldn't think or speak, James' words opening a part of me I'd buried and vowed to keep close.

He...still loves me. He did this all for me? But why? Why couldn't he just tell me?

"I'm hanging up, James. Remember, we're meeting at Storm's grave in two hours."

She didn't wait for his reply before hanging up the phone.

Erica threw the device to the floor, giving me a fake smile as her tears slowly subsided.

"Guess you've figured it out now."

"Figured what out?" I questioned.

"Hmm. You're not as smart as I thought. I guess you haven't seen all of Storm's memories."

"All of her memories. How do you even know about that?!"

"If you researched hard enough, you'd know that anyone who has a bit of someone else's magic essence inside of them will experience the memories of said person. I guess yours need a trigger." She sighed. "I'll be generous this once and tell you."

She walked to her chair and sat down, crossing her legs and placing her chin in her hands while staring at me.