Page 81 of Calming the Storm

"What's your opinion about Storm and me?" Erica asked.

"You hate each other," I replied with confidence.

I lifted an eyebrow when she laughed loudly, wiping away fresh tears that formed from her laughter.

"People still think that? Wow, we did a good job."

" mean...that's how it felt!" I snapped.

"That's what her magic wants you to feel because that is the lie Storm Yuna took to her grave," Erica revealed.

She crossed her arms over her chest and reclined to rest her back against the chair.

"As far as anyone knew, Storm and I were the typical mortal enemies who hated each other. We fought whenever we could, competing against each other. But of course, she always was better," Erica began, appearing deep in thought. She smiled, the expression looking pure, unlike her usual evil grins and smirks.

"She was my first crush. I knew the laws and our culture were against it, but that only made it more daring. I knew she felt the same, and when she was sixteen, I took the scary initiative and kissed her." Erica lifted her gaze to look at me. "And I loved it. I was amazed at how soft her lips were and how wonderful it felt to run my hands through her long silver locks, and her eyes! Those beautiful jewels that made all the boys beg for a glance, were locked only on me...but what excited me the most? Storm kissed me back." Erica whispered the last part, tears forming in her eyes.

"She felt the same love that I did for her. She loved me, this crazy side of me, and I almost thought we could have a future together. We'd keep our dirty little secret hidden, and once Storm played lover with those men of yours for a while, she was going to feign her disappearance and run away with me. That was, until James killed her."

" you’re saying you two were together before she was with the guys?!" I was horrified, at a loss for words at what I was hearing.


"Are you shocked to find out that Homatomashi’s idol mage wasn't loyal to the men she claimed to love? I guess I don't blame you. I can see you love them. You look at Yoshimitsu with love, just like you do the others. Sadly, my Storm only had eyes for me. She needed her guards to be loyal to her, so she manipulated them one by one to ensure they would never betray her. Shocking, yes, but not everything that glitters is gold."

Erica stood up and walked towards me.

"Storm Yuna was my lover. It was a hard secret to keep, especially with that perceptive quiet boy with those mismatched eyes. He was a snooper, which I guess makes sense considering he was once an assassin," she revealed.

"Haru..." I whispered.

"Ah yes, him. He almost caught on, or maybe he did, who knows? Poor guy probably didn't say anything for the sake of not hurting the team. A bunch of broken, scarred men who were willing to come together because of their love of a woman who was just using them. Quite entertaining if you ask me." She giggled.

"I didn't," I muttered, glaring at her. "Don't talk about my men like that."

"Oh, there's that fierce side of you. I like,” she hummed. I opened my mouth to speak, but then a loud noise echoed through the room. My left cheek burned from the impact of her slap.

"I think you forget who’s in charge here."

"Maybe, but I don't care if you're fucking in charge. Don't talk about my men like that. Maybe Storm was a manipulative bitch like you, but I'd never stoop so low to use those men who were willing to risk their lives for her! They loved her, and all she did was manipulate them! Fuck, she acted like an angel when she was the devil inside!" I screamed.

Erica frowned. I braced myself for another slap when she raised her hand, but she paused.

Her expression changed as if an idea had popped into her head, and she lowered her hand.

"Sit up,” she ordered.

I didn't want to comply, but I knew it would just backfire on me if I refused.

I sat up on my knees, my wrists still bound in place. I noticed the wounds on my legs; the lash marks were red, and others were crusted with dried blood.

"Have you ever been pleasured by a girl?" she asked.

I frowned, glaring daggers at her, and she grinned.

"Guess that's a no," she purred, reaching out to wrap her hand around my neck. I braced for her to clench my throat, but she didn't.

Instead, she pressed me against the cement wall behind me. Her ruby eyes darkened and filled with heated desire as she looked at my lips, licking her own in anticipation.