Page 48 of Calming the Storm

I knew she must have retreated because I had no energy left to spare.

I struggled to keep my eyes open and noticed time began to move again.

"Crim?" Haru's voice sounded a bit stronger, and I turned my gaze to meet his astonished expression.

I smiled weakly. "My Haru. You okay?" I whispered.

I was fighting my heavy eyelids that longed to close as I tried not to sway.

"You...healed me? How...that..." Haru trailed off as tears rolled down his cheeks.

I grinned, reaching my hand out to brush his cheek.

"You can't leave me. We didn’t...get to make...cupcakes. Or ice cream...or get to spend more time with each other," I acknowledged.

"CRIMSON! HARU!" I heard Itsuki call out.

I looked in front of us to see Malachi in his human form racing towards us, with Itsuki and Quil right behind him.

The relief of seeing them took its toll on me, and I gave up the fight I was trying to win against the exhaustion that tugged at me.

I fell to the side, expecting to hit the ground, but strong arms caught me.

"Shit, Crim!" Haru sounded panicked, but I let out a weak giggle.

"I...just need...five minutes...maybe...ten..." I trailed off, struggling to stay conscious.

I just wanted to stay awake long enough to be sure the others were right beside us.

"Crimson!" Itsuki's voice sounded the closest, and I felt myself being pulled into another set of arms.

"Haru! What happened?!" he demanded.

"Holy shit, Haru. Your wound..." Quil trailed off suddenly.

"Wait, did Crim heal your wound?! Her first time?" Malachi sounded shocked.

"Yes, now stop stalling and help me sit up properly. Her magic is out of balance, and she'll get sick if we don't do something," Haru snapped.

"I got her. You're in no shape to heal anyone or anything," Itsuki insisted.

I opened my eyes slightly, trying my best to see a less blurry image of Itsuki.

My vision cleared for a few seconds and I saw that Itsuki had a prideful smile on his lips and his purple orbs were filled with joy.

"You did amazing, Crimson. Haru’s gonna be okay. Just sleep and let us do the rest,” he consoled and gave me a soft kiss.

"Sa...fe?" I asked, needing to know for sure I wouldn't wake up to my men being gone.

"We're safe, thanks to your help. Rest, Crimson. We'll be fine."

I sighed in relief, letting go of the tension in my limbs.

Thank you, ancestors. Everyone's safe, and I met Chiryoshi. Good...

And with that last thought, the world went black.