Page 49 of Calming the Storm

Guardian To Serve, Protect, And Love

"Say ‘Ah.’"

I pursed my lips and looked away stubbornly, ignoring the

spoonful of hot soup that tempted me with its scent. Itsuki had a big grin on his face as he lowered the spoon in his hand.

"C'mon Crim, you’ve got to eat,” he insisted.

"Not being spoon fed by you," I huffed.

He chuckled. "Jeez. I need Haru's charm for this or we’re never getting food in you."

"I'm not hungry," I countered, but my stomach took the

opportunity to roar so loudly, you didn't need Kitsune hearing to catch the sound. I blushed and glanced away as Itsuki snickered.

"I think your stomach disagrees with you,” he teased.

I sighed, uncrossing my arms and relaxing against the layer of pillows supporting me in my upright position.

"I don't need your help," I grumbled.

"I know you don't, Crim. However, you're still sick, and the last time we let you try to eat on your own, you missed your mouth."

"It was a miscalculation."

"You missed it five times and fell asleep after the sixth attempt."


"Ah. You hate when we prove you wrong, don't you?" "Hmph." My eyes slowly drifted to the bowl of soup, attempting to ignore the clenching hunger pains in my stomach.

"Crimson, please? We just want you to get better," Itsuki pleaded.

I lifted my gaze to stare into his purple eyes. "I shouldn't have gotten sick to begin with," I pointed out.

"You got sick because you did a healing spell that can heal even a wounded heart. Storm was one of the few in all of Japan who could use that skill, and Haru explained your ability was of a higher caliber," Itsuki elaborated.

"Still doesn't help make me feel any less useless." I sighed, giving up on my failed hunger strike.

"Crimson," Itsuki said stubbornly, and I gave him a sheepish look.

"Ah, evil Itsuki tone," I mumbled.

He blinked, looking deep in thought. "Why does everyone say that?" he questioned, more to himself than to me.

"You have a soft voice most of the time, so when you talk like that you sound like an evil mastermind ready for world domination," I explained.

"Hmm. Storm said something similar,” he revealed before sighing. "What's been going on with you lately?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Malachi told me what happened in the forest and I've already spoken with Yoshi and Aki. We're worried about you, Crimson."

"I'm perfectly fine. See? No wounds on my body. I'm physically healthy aside from my exhaustion," I defended.

Itsuki shook his head and placed the bowl of soup on the side table next to him.