Page 62 of Vicious Bargain

“Oh, yeah? What about Cole?”

“Let him have some competition. Can’t have his head getting too big.”

As the first hint of sunlight peeks over the trees, the helicopter returns with Cole and his men.

They’ve killed and scattered the rest of the Reavers and from the sound of it, they have no hope of rebuilding.

Cole speaks privately with Russ, who is furious. I can’t say I blame him. He lost a daughter and a grandchild, not to mention his lover.

One of Cole’s men comes over and squats next to Seth. “Hey, little guy. My name is Trent.” He looks up at me and smiles warmly, which takes me aback. “My son is around the same age. I’m sure they’ll get along well.”

My hands shake, I’m so nervous from the interaction. “I hope they do.”

“Once you get settled, we’ll have you over.”

Have me over? This whole Keep situation is confusing, but I say, “I’d like that,” hoping that perhaps not everyone will hate me.

Cole comes over, a grim look on his handsome face. “It’s time to leave.”

Trent rubs his chin as he looks over at Russ. “He don’t look too happy.”

“He’s not. The mission got fucked all to hell, and he hates us, but he’s letting us keep the kids we found in the shaft, and we’re taking the women, regardless.”

“Roger that.”

Trent goes to assist as Cole turns to me, his face forlorn misery.

“It’s been a rough day, but I can assure you, the worst of your ordeal is over.”

I look down at my feet, because I feel so much shame. “I’m sorry if anything I did caused this.”

“Amber, you did nothing wrong. You did everything you could to protect your son, and I couldn’t be prouder of you. It’s me who fucked up, and now Dane and Georgia are dead.”

“Chances are, there was nothing you could have done about Georgia, and if it wasn’t Dane, it would have been someone else.”

“It should have been me!”

“I know you want to believe that, but you’re needed here. Your men follow and respect you. I know I haven’t interacted with many of them, but I’ve seen the way they look and talk to you, and there’s a measure of respect that’s hard to come by. You’re meant to lead these men, and I hope—no—I demand, you lead me too.”

He frowns like he’s angry with himself.

“Let the rage go, Cole. Whatever happened before the dead rose, whatever happened after—let it go. You’re a good man. The only one I want. Now please, don’t deny me. It could very well kill me inside.”

“I want to so badly, but I don’t deserve you…” His voice cracks.

“Well, I don’t deserve to live without you. I’ve been through hell, and you’re the only promise of heaven I have. Please don’t deny Seth and me a chance at a future with you. I love you, Cole. I never lied about that.”

His face softens. “I love you. It took me a long time to come to terms with that, but I do.” He clears his throat. “And I aim to fill the rest of your life with comfort, smiles, and happy memories.”

I force a smile as I bring my eyes to his. “I hope I do the same for yours.”




Upon arrival at the Keep, we each undergo an inspection before meeting in the Command Post, a room dedicated to mission planning.