Page 63 of Vicious Bargain

The entire time I was held prisoner in the holding, I had no clue how vast this place was. It’s not just a fallout shelter. It could hold hundreds of people and grow crops enough for thousands. A modern day Noah’s Ark.

The women taken from the Reavers are brought to an apartment that’s kept under guard. Fortunately, none of them are the ones that worshiped Gunther, and over time, I think they’ll be thankful for their rescue.

A woman with green hair named Eva comes to take the children, Seth included. At first, I’m reluctant, but Trent assures me he’ll be well cared for.

After the kids leave, I’m left in a sea of tension and hostile faces. It’s clear I have no friends here, even if some, like Trent, offer warm smiles.

Cole looks bitter and full of self loathing. I wish I could go to him, but it would be entirely inappropriate with what’s going on. It’s bad enough everyone is going to be angry with him claiming me.

If that should even happen. Perhaps I was being too selfish.

After everyone is seated, Cole starts with, “As you all know, we lost someone during today’s mission. Dane was…ornery, disrespectful, angry, condescending, and a damn good man. For as different as we were, I knew I could rely on him. His obedience is what led to…” he pauses and takes a breath, “…what led to his death.”

Blake frowns and looks down at his hands. “He gave me shit, but out in the field, he always had my back.”

“He was fierce,” Gage adds. “Never afraid to tell the world how he felt.”

Cole chuckles dryly. “Which wasn’t always a quality I admired, though it will be sorely missed.”

“Me and the other women will put together a funeral service,” Selina offers. “Maybe we should set aside a day of remembrance for the people we’ve lost.”

Cole nods. “If we’re rebuilding, we’re going to need things to celebrate and mourn. I don’t want to call it Remembrance Day, though.”

“How about a day of retrospect?” Blake says.

“I like it,” Trent adds.

Cole drums his fingers on the table as he mulls over the proposition. “Retrospect it is.”

“Perhaps now that the women are taking on more responsibility, it’s time to offer us greater freedom.” Selina looks around the table with a deadpan expression.

Blake looks at her, scowling. “As if you don’t get your way more than any man in here.”

“Enough,” Cole says through gritted teeth. The table knows better than to talk back, as he is not in a playful mood. “I guess we could use a little good news. We brought back four women from the Reavers, which I’m sure many of the singles will be happy about.”

“We don’t know if we can trust them,” Blake says. “Look what happened with Irma and Amb—”

He catches himself before fully speaking my name. Not that he had to. They’re all thinking the same thing.

I don’t blame them.

Nor do I have reason to fear anymore.

I clear my throat. “I get it. I understand most of you hate me for the harm I’ve caused. I wish I could say I’d take it all back, but I wouldn’t, because everything I did had a purpose. It was to save my son.”

Cole’s face softens for the first time since we’ve arrived back at the keep. “It’s okay, Amber. Things will get better over time.”

“Or they won’t, and me being here will piss everyone off.” I look at each of them, letting them know I see them. That I’m not some scared, skulking creature. “I’ll take whatever punishment you demand of me, as long as you promise to keep my son safe and give him a fair shake at life. I’ll go back to the holding or you can exile me or force me to do manual labor—I’ll take everything you throw at me, just so long as you protect my son.”

The table is silent for a time. Even the men are afraid to look at me.

It’s Cole who finally speaks.

“You and Seth will stay with me in my apartment, and if anyone has anything to say about that, let them. They’ll learn real quick who’s in charge.”

“Are you in charge?” Gage asks, though his tone has more curiosity than edge.

“Yeah, there’s no more unofficial leader bullshit. I did the job reluctantly before, but we can’t afford that attitude now. I’m in charge. You will listen, and if you don’t, good luck.”