Page 21 of Vicious Bargain

“I know you’ve heard promises of a better life if you cooperate. Well, I’m willing to quantify what exactly that means.”

Now he’s piqued my interest.

“Go on.”

“I get that you might not like being here against your will, so if you tell me where the Reavers are located, we’ll let you leave once we’ve handled the situation.”

“Explain handled?”

“We need to nullify threats, and from the sound of it, he’s a pretty big threat.”

“How so? Your men are armed and have choppers. You’re waiting out the apocalypse in a bunker. What threat do Gunther’s men pose?”

“They’re causing Russ and his Legion trouble.”

“Why do you care?”

“Because believe it or not, we want humanity to rebuild.”

“Who’s to say Russ is any better than Gunther?”

“They’re bad in different ways, but Russ is a heck of a lot more palatable. He’s actually caring for his pregnant women rather than beating them.”

I know he’s right. Of the three groups, Cole and his Keepers, Russ and his Legion, and Gunther and the Reavers, Gunther is the worst. The lowest of scum.

But he has my boy.

Cole continues with, “The way I see it, if you give me the information I need, you can either leave, or get Kept.”

“You mean join your people? Not just be caged in a cell.”

He nods. “It comes with stipulations, but we protect our women fiercely, and you’ll never be mistreated.”

The truth is, his offer sounds divine, except that it puts Seth at risk.

“Sorry, but it’s not my job to do yours.”

“I had a feeling you wouldn’t break.”

He stands and presses his hand to the scanner. The door slides open, and he steps into my cell.

“What are you going to do?” I ask, anxious.

He says nothing. Instead, he opens a black sack and says, “Now, the kid gloves come off.”

As hard as I fight, I’m no match for Cole’s unyielding muscles. After he places the sack over my head, he twists my arms behind my back and secures my wrists with plastic cuffs.

All I see is blackness, which is terrifying.

“You’re gonna wish you’d cooperated, little girl,” he warns, pulling me from my cell.

I’m dragged from the holding, unable to get my footing with how relentlessly Cole pushes forward.

“I gave you a chance. We would have been good to you.”

My body yanks back, and suddenly, I’m spun around. Something drives into my stomach, and I fold over as I’m lifted from the ground.

It doesn’t take long to realize Cole threw me over his shoulder so he could hike up a mile of stairs. With the way I’m jolting, I worry I’ll get sick in the bag, which would be absolutely disgusting.