Page 22 of Vicious Bargain

Just when I think my ribs are going to break, Cole stops and hastily drops me to the floor, right onto my tailbone.

“Owww!” I screech. Not that Cole cares. He’s too busy pulling me to my feet and shoving me forward.

When I feel wind against my body, I know I’m outside, which confuses me. I have information Cole wants. What reason would he have to bring me above ground?

A giant whomping sound alerts me to the presence of a helicopter, which means I’m being brought somewhere else.

I’m pushed forward, my body aching from my fall to the floor, but I refuse to limp or give Cole the satisfaction of my pain.

I can’t believe I actually kind of liked the guy. That I wanted him. He’s no different from Gunther.

But I know that’s a lie. He takes care of his people, that much is evident. I drove him to this with my stubbornness.

A hand on my shoulder stops me, and I’m lifted and shoved forward onto my chest because my wrists are bound behind me. I scramble to sit up, but I’m lifted again and plopped on a seat.

Mumbling carries through my head covering, two male voices talking. While I’m anxious about what they have in store for me, this could be the opportunity I’ve been waiting for.

A high-pitched screech draws my attention.


The voice sounds familiar, but with the bag over my head, it’s hard to—


Suddenly, I’m knocked sideways, my face crashing against something hard to the side of me.

More blows land, to my shoulder, to my chest. The voice materializes, and through the hatred and rage, I hear Selina.

Someone must be tearing her away from me because the punches stop, and I’m pulled back into a seated position.

“You can’t let her come!” Selina shouts loud enough to penetrate my covering. “Not to my farm!”

At the mention of the farm, my heart lightens. For all the hell I’ve been through, luck is finally shining down on me.

“That’s not your farm anymore,” Cole growls.

“Like fucking hell!”

“If you don’t take a seat this fucking instant, I’m going to have Blake perp walk you back inside, cuffs and all.”

“Let me check her out,” I hear a woman say. Her voice is familiar, and then I remember that she’s the one who gave me my inspection when I was first brought in.

“She’s fine,” Cole barks. “If anything, getting knocked around will hopefully knock some sense into her.”

The voices grow quiet, which makes everything awkward. I’ll always be the bad guy to them.

And I deserve to be. I did what I did because it was the only choice I had. Heck, I hate myself for putting Jayne in harm’s way. If Selina had endangered Seth, there’s no fucking way I’d ever forgive her. I’d probably fucking kill her—it’s not even a question.

And now that we’re flying into her territory, I just have to hope she doesn’t kill me.



After touching down, we unload the chopper and I send it back to base, because the last thing I need is someone sabotaging or trying to steal it.

Russ’s people are leery of our arrival, as they should be, but my men are offered quarters in one of the barns, which of course is gravely offensive to Selina, who demands her old bedroom back.