“Yes,” I say, shutting the door, and sliding down it until I’m sitting on the bathroom floor. I miss them all so much, and every decision I make could kill them.
“Oh, fuck,” I say to myself when it all comes together in my mind.
“What’s that?” Alex asks through the door. He’s standing just on the other side, listening in, but I have trouble responding.
“It’s now,” I mumble to myself. The realization comes into focus, and everything makes sense. The boys looking at me, wanting me to come home. Sam complaining that I’ve been in a coma for three weeks. He doesn’t know I’m awake, and I only slept a little over two.
I’m seeing the here and now. That was my family this morning, getting up and starting their day in the underground. I’m with them and BeLew know it, and now I do as well.
Chapter Twelve
Alexrelentshisstrongholdat the door, and when I finally crawl out of the bathroom, he’s dressed and there’s a package on the bed.
“What’s that?” I ask, hoping it’s something from my family. Ripping into the contents before he answers, I’m disappointed to find clothes, toiletries, and other necessities. It’s more than a week’s worth, and I shoot Alex a look.
“How long am I a prisoner?”
“I’ve been asking that myself,” he barks back. He’s no happier to have me than I am to be stuck here. My presence means his wife stays with the Eminent, and he’s ready for that to change. “Be happy to have clean underwear, Rowan.”
He’s right and I sigh, grabbing some things to change into. Alex heads out to get his updated assignments. Nothing showed on his tablet this morning, and I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing, but I clean up while I wait.
The shower is small, but the water is hot, and I scrub every inch of my body. The only mark left is the AOE symbol burned into my skin. There’s not a bruise or a scratch, and when I feel the back of my head, only a soft line from my stitches remains.
My belly growls at the smell of food when I step out of the bathroom. Alex’s sitting on the couch, and I stride over with dripping hair and grab a cup of steaming goodness from his table.
“What’s wrong?” I ask. He’s frowning with every bite, and I feel the tension pouring off of him.
“I’m taking you to work with me today,” Alex says. “While I run security for the adherents.”
“I’m gonna need more than that, Alex,” I say.
He tilts his head, sliding his bowl around on the table and tapping his fingers rapidly.
I hold a spoon up and point it at him. “What is it?”
“It’s just different to hear you call me Alex,” he comments. “Not a lot of nicknames around here.”
I cluck my tongue. “Yeah, I noticed a lot ofDisciple so and sotalk andhis Eminency.Rather formal in this cult, aren’t ya?”
Alex laughs, but it’s empty. I enjoy being called Row, and I bet he misses his own moniker.
“Is it bad there or something? Being an adherent watchdog?” I ask. He doesn’t answer right away and stabs his spoon into the bowl before forcing another bite down his throat.
“Worse than everywhere else?” I push.
“Not in the way you think,” he rasps.
I’m not in the mood for cryptic this morning. “Spit it out, Alex.”
His shoulders tense, and he cracks his neck with a swift pop. I know Alex is on my side, but I wouldn’t want to anger him. There’s something about the man that’s on the verge of snapping.
“When Adam gets bored with his concubine, he… loans them out… to adherents,” Alex explains. “I’m sure my wife will be there. Feels like something he’ll do.”
I swallow a bite of breakfast and adjust myself in my seat, unsure of what to say. “I’m sorry,” is all I manage.
“He’s moved your girl Lori there,” Alex says. I almost drop my spoon, and my jaw hangs open. “She’s been bitching about her assignment, and he’ll get to watch your reaction and punish her at the same time. Win-win.”